Fiber maps on H-fibrations
The category Top of topological spaces and continuous maps has the structures of a fibration category and a cofibration category in the sense of Baues, where fibration = Hurewicz fibration, cofibration = the usual cofibration, and weak equivalence = homotopy equivalence. Concentrating on fibrations, we consider the problem: given a full subcategory 𝓒 of Top, is the fibration structure of Top restricted to 𝓒 a fibration category? In this paper we take the special case where 𝓒 is the full subcategory...
On décrit les foncteurs polynomiaux, des groupes abéliens libres vers les groupes abéliens, comme des diagrammes de groupes abéliens dont on explicite les relations.
We review topological properties of Kähler and symplectic manifolds, and of their odd-dimensional counterparts, coKähler and cosymplectic manifolds. We focus on formality, Lefschetz property and parity of Betti numbers, also distinguishing the simply-connected case (in the Kähler/symplectic situation) and the b1 = 1 case (in the coKähler/cosymplectic situation).