Locally finite approximation of Lie groups, I.
In this paper we study the nilpotency of certain groups of self homotopy equivalences. Our main goal is to extend, to localized homotopy groups and/or homotopy groups with coefficients, the general principle of Dror and Zabrodsky by which a group of self homotopy equivalences of a finite complex which acts nilpotently on the homotopy groups is itself nilpotent.
We prove that the space of nonempty subsets of cardinality at most k in a bouquet of m+1-dimensional spheres is (m+k-2)-connected. This, as shown by Tuffley, implies that the space is (m+k-2)-connected for any m-connected cell complex X.
Myers's classical theorem says that a compact Riemannian manifold with positive Ricci curvature has finite fundamental group. Using Ambrose's compactness criterion or J. Lott's results, M. Fernández-López and E. García-Río showed that the finiteness of the fundamental group remains valid for a compact shrinking Ricci soliton. We give a self-contained proof of this fact by estimating the lengths of shortest geodesic loops in each homotopy class.
The theory of covering spaces is often used to prove the Nielsen-Schreier theorem, which states that every subgroup of a free group is free. We apply the more general theory of semicovering spaces to obtain analogous subgroup theorems for topological groups: Every open subgroup of a free Graev topological group is a free Graev topological group. An open subgroup of a free Markov topological group is a free Markov topological group if and only if it is disconnected.
Beaucoup d’informations sur les groupes de cohomologie d’un espace sont obtenues à partir de la suite spectrale de Serre. Dans cet article on construit une suite spectrale de Serre dans le cas “non stable”. Cette suite spectrale “non stable” permet des calculs de groupes d’homotopie d’espaces fonctionnels.
The space Bi0 = Imm0 (S1, R2) / Diff (S1) of all immersions of rotation degree 0 in the plane modulo reparameterizations has homotopy groups π1(Bi0) = Z, π2(Bi0) = Z, and πk(Bi0) = 0 for k ≥ 3.