A note on strong Jordan separation.
We compute the height of the third Stiefel--Whitney characteristic class of the canonical bundles over some infinite classes of Grassmann manifolds of five dimensional vector subspaces of real vector spaces.
The Polish space Y constructed in [vM1] admits no nontrivial isotopy. Yet, there exists a Polish group that acts transitively on Y.
Heegaard splittings and Heegaard diagrams of a closed 3-manifold are translated into the language of Morse functions with Morse-Smale pseudo-gradients defined on . We make use in a very simple setting of techniques which Jean Cerf developed for solving a famous pseudo-isotopy problem. In passing, we show how to cancel the supernumerary local extrema in a generic path of functions when . The main tool that we introduce is an elementary swallow tail lemma which could be useful elsewhere.
We prove that the standard action of the mapping class group of a surface of sufficiently large genus on the unit tangent bundle is not homotopic to any smooth action.
A Dehn sphere Σ in a closed 3-manifold M is a 2-sphere immersed in M with only double curve and triple point singularities. The Dehn sphere Σ fills M if it defines a cell decomposition of M. The inverse image in S² of the double curves of Σ is the Johansson diagram of Σ and if Σ fills M it is possible to reconstruct M from the diagram. A Johansson representation of M is the Johansson diagram of a filling Dehn sphere of M. Montesinos proved that every closed 3-manifold has a Johansson representation...
We give a self-contained introduction to the theory of shadows as a tool to study smooth 3-manifolds and 4-manifolds. The goal of the present paper is twofold: on the one hand, it is intended to be a shortcut to a basic use of the theory of shadows, on the other hand it gives a sketchy overview of some of the most recent results on shadows. No original result is proved here and most of the details of the proofs are left out.
The aim of this paper is to introduce a spectral sequence that converges to the cobordism groups of orbifolds with given isotropy representations. In good cases the E¹-term of this spectral sequence is given by a certain cobordism group of orbibundles over purely ineffective orbifolds which can be identified with the bordism group of the classifying space of the Weyl group of a finite subgroup of O(n). We use this spectral sequence to calculate some cobordism groups of orbifolds for low dimensions,...