Sabinin‘s method for classification of local Bol loops
All second order scalar differential invariants of symplectic hyperbolic and elliptic Monge-Ampère equations with respect to symplectomorphisms are explicitly computed. In particular, it is shown that the number of independent second order invariants is equal to 7, in sharp contrast with general Monge-Ampère equations for which this number is equal to 2. We also introduce a series of invariant differential forms and vector fields which allow us to construct numerous scalar differential invariants...
These notes summarize the papers [8, 9] on the analysis of resolvent, Eisenstein series and scattering operator for geometrically finite hyperbolic quotients with rational non-maximal rank cusps. They complete somehow the talk given at the PDE seminar of Ecole Polytechnique in october 2005.
The Schiffer Problem as originally stated for Euclidean spaces (and later for some symmetric spaces) is the following: Given a bounded connected open set Ω with a regular boundary and such that the complement of its closure is connected, does the existence of a solution to the Overdetermined Neumann Problem (N) imply that Ω is a ball? The same question for the Overdetermined Dirichlet Problem (D). We consider the generalization of the Schiffer problem to an arbitrary Riemannian manifold and also...
We introduce a 1-cocycle on the group of diffeomorphisms Diff(M) of a smooth manifold M endowed with a projective connection. This cocycle represents a nontrivial cohomology class of Diff(M) related to the Diff(M)-modules of second order linear differential operators on M. In the one-dimensional case, this cocycle coincides with the Schwarzian derivative, while, in the multi-dimensional case, it represents its natural and new generalization. This work is a continuation of [3] where the same problems...
We study the cohomology of the group consisting of all -diffeomorphisms of the line, which are -flat to the identity at the origin. We construct non-trivial two second real cohomology classes and uncountably many second integral homology classes of this group.
We study the second order connections in the sense of C. Ehresmann. On a fibered manifold , such a connection is a section from into the second non-holonomic jet prolongation of . Our main aim is to extend the classical theory to the functional bundle of all smooth maps between the fibers over the same base point of two fibered manifolds over the same base. This requires several new geometric results about the second order connections on , which are deduced in the first part of the paper.