Second order information on Palais-smale sequences in the mountain pass theorem.
We consider cohomology defined by a system of local Lagrangian and investigate under which conditions the variational Lie derivative of associated local currents is a system of conserved currents. The answer to such a question involves Jacobi equations for the local system. Furthermore, we recall that it was shown by Krupka et al. that the invariance of a closed Helmholtz form of a dynamical form is equivalent with local variationality of the Lie derivative of the dynamical form; we remark that...
We give an introduction into and exposition of Seiberg-Witten theory.
We prove that the space of orientation preserving homeomorphisms of the 2-sphere which fix pointwise a nontrivial nonseparating continuum is a contractible absolute neighborhood retract homeomorphic to the separable Hilbert space .
For a class of non compact Riemannian manifolds with ends, we give semi-classical expansions of bounded functions of the Laplacian. We then study related boundedness properties of these operators and show in particular that, although they are not bounded on in general, they are always bounded on suitable weighted spaces.
Following joint work with Dyatlov [DyGu], we describe the semi-classical measures associated with generalized plane waves for metric perturbation of , under the condition that the geodesic flow has trapped set of Liouville measure .
We extend our recent results on propagation of semiclassical resolvent estimates through trapped sets when a priori polynomial resolvent bounds hold. Previously we obtained non-trapping estimates in trapping situations when the resolvent was sandwiched between cutoffs microlocally supported away from the trapping: , a microlocal version of a result of Burq and Cardoso-Vodev. We now allow one of the two cutoffs, , to be supported at the trapped set, giving when the a priori bound is .
Let be a compact Kähler manifold with integral Kähler class and a holomorphic Hermitian line bundle whose curvature is the symplectic form of . Let be a Hamiltonian, and let be the Toeplitz operator with multiplier acting on the space . We obtain estimates on the eigenvalues and eigensections of as , in terms of the classical Hamilton flow of . We study in some detail the case when is an integral coadjoint orbit of a Lie group.
En nous inspirant d’articles de Beardon, nous donnons des résultats concernant les points fixes et les orbites d’auto-applications contractantes et semi-contractantes des espaces connexes localement compacts. Des résultats plus précis sont obtenus dans le cas des variétés complexes Kobayashi hyperboliques.