Displaying 241 – 260 of 272

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Explicit expression of Cartan’s connection for Levi-nondegenerate 3-manifolds in complex surfaces, and identification of the Heisenberg sphere

Joël Merker, Masoud Sabzevari (2012)

Open Mathematics

We study effectively the Cartan geometry of Levi-nondegenerate C 6-smooth hypersurfaces M 3 in ℂ2. Notably, we present the so-called curvature function of a related Tanaka-type normal connection explicitly in terms of a graphing function for M, which is the initial, single available datum. Vanishing of this curvature function then characterizes explicitly the local biholomorphic equivalence of such M 3 ⊂ ℂ2 to the Heisenberg sphere ℍ3, such M’s being necessarily real analytic.

Extending algebraic actions.

Arthur G. Wasserman (1999)

Revista Matemática Complutense

There is a well-known procedure -induction- for extending an action of a subgroup H of a Lie group G on a topological space X to an action of G on an associated space. Induction can also extend a smooth action of a subgroup H of a Lie group G on a manifold M to a smooth action of G on an associated manifold. In this paper elementary methods are used to show that induction also works in the category of (nonsingular) real algebraic varieties and regular or entire maps if G is a compact abelian Lie...

Extension of CR functions to «wedge type» domains

Andrea D'Agnolo, Piero D'Ancona, Giuseppe Zampieri (1991)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Let X be a complex manifold, S a generic submanifold of X R , the real underlying manifold to X . Let Ω be an open subset of S with Ω analytic, Y a complexification of S . We first recall the notion of Ω -tuboid of X and of Y and then give a relation between; we then give the corresponding result in terms of microfunctions at the boundary. We relate the regularity at the boundary for ¯ b to the extendability of C R functions on Ω to Ω -tuboids of X . Next, if X has complex dimension 2, we give results on extension...

Extension of smooth functions in infinite dimensions II: manifolds

C. J. Atkin (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Let M be a separable C Finsler manifold of infinite dimension. Then it is proved, amongst other results, that under suitable conditions of local extensibility the germ of a C function, or of a C section of a vector bundle, on the union of a closed submanifold and a closed locally compact set in M, extends to a C function on the whole of M.

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 272