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Non-existence of some canonical constructions on connections

Włodzimierz M. Mikulski (2003)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

For a vector bundle functor H : f 𝒱 with the point property we prove that H is product preserving if and only if for any m and n there is an m , n -natural operator D transforming connections Γ on ( m , n ) -dimensional fibered manifolds p : Y M into connections D ( Γ ) on H p : H Y H M . For a bundle functor E : m , n with some weak conditions we prove non-existence of m , n -natural operators D transforming connections Γ on ( m , n ) -dimensional fibered manifolds Y M into connections D ( Γ ) on E Y M .

Non-existence of some natural operators on connections

W. M. Mikulski (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let n,r,k be natural numbers such that n ≥ k+1. Non-existence of natural operators C r Q ( r e g T k r K k r ) and C r Q ( r e g T k r * K k r * ) over n-manifolds is proved. Some generalizations are obtained.

Non-holonomic ( r , s , q ) -jets

Jiří M. Tomáš (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We generalize the concept of an ( r , s , q ) -jet to the concept of a non-holonomic ( r , s , q ) -jet. We define the composition of such objects and introduce a bundle functor J ˜ r , s , q k , l × defined on the product category of ( k , l ) -dimensional fibered manifolds with local fibered isomorphisms and the category of fibered manifolds with fibered maps. We give the description of such functors from the point of view of the theory of Weil functors. Further, we introduce a bundle functor J ˜ 1 r , s , q 2 - k , l defined on the category of 2 -fibered manifolds with k , l -underlying...

Non-split almost complex and non-split Riemannian supermanifolds

Matthias Kalus (2019)

Archivum Mathematicum

Non-split almost complex supermanifolds and non-split Riemannian supermanifolds are studied. The first obstacle for a splitting is parametrized by group orbits on an infinite dimensional vector space. For almost complex structures, the existence of a splitting is equivalent to the existence of local coordinates in which the almost complex structure can be represented by a purely numerical matrix, i.e. containing no Grassmann variables. For Riemannian metrics, terms up to degree 2 are allowed in...

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