Topogical equivalence of monotone nonlinear nonautonomous differential equations
The second fundamental form of Riemannian geometry is generalised to the case of a manifold with a linear connection and an integrable distribution. This bilinear form is generally not symmetric and its skew part is the torsion. The form itself is closely related to the shape map of the connection. The codimension one case generalises the traditional shape operator of Riemannian geometry.
By a torsion of a general connection on a fibered manifold we understand the Frölicher-Nijenhuis bracket of and some canonical tangent valued one-form (affinor) on . Using all natural affinors on higher order cotangent bundles, we determine all torsions of general connections on such bundles. We present the geometrical interpretation and study some properties of the torsions.
We introduce the concept of a dynamical connection on a time-dependent Weil bundle and we characterize the structure of dynamical connections. Then we describe all torsions of dynamical connections.
A total connection of order in a Lie groupoid over is defined as a first order connections in the -st jet prolongations of . A connection in the groupoid together with a linear connection on its base, ie. in the groupoid , give rise to a total connection of order , which is called simple. It is shown that this simple connection is curvature-free iff the generating connections are. Also, an -th order total connection in defines a total reduction of the -th prolongation of to ....