Newton's methods from a geometric point of view.
Nielsen theory of transversal fixed point sets (with an appendix: and C0 fixed point sets are the same, by R. E. Greene)
Examples exist of smooth maps on the boundary of a smooth manifold M which allow continuous extensions over M without fixed points but no such smooth extensions. Such maps are studied here in more detail. They have a minimal fixed point set when all transversally fixed maps in their homotopy class are considered. Therefore we introduce a Nielsen fixed point theory for transversally fixed maps on smooth manifolds without or with boundary, and use it to calculate the minimum number of fixed points...
Nombre de points entiers dans une famille homothétique de domaines de
Non-Holomorphic Harmonic morhpisms form Kähler manifolds.
Nonlinear Variational Inequalities Depending on a Parameter
This paper develops the results announced in the Note [14]. Using an eigenvalue problem governed by a variational inequality, we try to unify the theory concerning the post-critical equilibrium state of a thin elastic plate subjected to unilateral conditions.
Norm Derivatives on Spaces of Operators.
Normal Forms of non-Degenerate quasihomogeneous Functions with Inner Modality <...4.
Normal forms of symplectic structures on the stratified spaces
Normal Lie subsupergroups and non-abelian supercircles.
Normes invariantes par difféomorphismes sur
Note on a local invertibility
Notes on differential calculus in topological liear spaces.
O teorii katastrof
O třináctém Hilbertově problému
Odd forms on a non-orientable manifold
On a class of variational problems defined by polynomial Lagrangians
On a Linearization Theorem of Sternberg for Germs of Diffeomorphisms.
On a local degree for a class of multi-valued vector fields in infinite dimensional Banach spaces.
On a lower bound of the second eigenvalue of the Laplacian on an Einstein space