Oddness of least energy nodal solutions on radial domains.
In questo lavoro si danno alcuni risultati sugli spettri degli operatori di Laplace per varietà Riemanniane compatte con curvatura scalare positiva e di dimensione . Ad essi si aggiunge una osservazione riguardante la congettura di Yamabe.
We consider a class of nonlocal operators associated with an action of a compact Lie group G on a smooth closed manifold. Ellipticity condition and Fredholm property for elliptic operators are obtained. This class of operators is studied using pseudodifferential uniformization, which reduces the problem to a pseudodifferential operator acting in sections of infinite-dimensional bundles.
In this article we study the positivity of the 4-th order Paneitz operator for closed 3-manifolds. We prove that the connected sum of two such 3-manifold retains the same positivity property. We also solve the analogue of the Yamabe equation for such a manifold.
In this article we study the positivity of the 4-th order Paneitz operator for closed 3-manifolds. We prove that the connected sum of two such 3-manifold retains the same positivity property. We also solve the analogue of the Yamabe equation for such a manifold.
Dealing with the generalized Calabi-Yau equation proposed by Gromov on closed almost-Kähler manifolds, we extend to arbitrary dimension a non-existence result proved in complex dimension .
A regular normal parabolic geometry of type on a manifold gives rise to sequences of invariant differential operators, known as the curved version of the BGG resolution. These sequences are constructed from the normal covariant derivative on the corresponding tractor bundle , where is the normal Cartan connection. The first operator in the sequence is overdetermined and it is well known that yields the prolongation of this operator in the homogeneous case . Our first main result...
In this paper, we present an analytic definition for the relative torsion for flat C*-algebra bundles over a compact manifold. The advantage of such a relative torsion is that it is defined without any hypotheses on the flat C*-algebra bundle. In the case where the flat C*-algebra bundle is of determinant class, we relate it easily to the L^2 torsion as defined in [7],[5].