Displaying 21 – 40 of 73

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Fractional multiplicative processes

Julien Barral, Benoît Mandelbrot (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Statistically self-similar measures on [0, 1] are limit of multiplicative cascades of random weights distributed on the b-adic subintervals of [0, 1]. These weights are i.i.d., positive, and of expectation 1/b. We extend these cascades naturally by allowing the random weights to take negative values. This yields martingales taking values in the space of continuous functions on [0, 1]. Specifically, we consider for each H∈(0, 1) the martingale (Bn)n≥1 obtained when the weights take the values −b−H...

Geometric infinite divisibility, stability, and self-similarity: an overview

Tomasz J. Kozubowski (2010)

Banach Center Publications

The concepts of geometric infinite divisibility and stability extend the classical properties of infinite divisibility and stability to geometric convolutions. In this setting, a random variable X is geometrically infinitely divisible if it can be expressed as a random sum of N p components for each p ∈ (0,1), where N p is a geometric random variable with mean 1/p, independent of the components. If the components have the same distribution as that of a rescaled X, then X is (strictly) geometric stable....

Identification of periodic and cyclic fractional stable motions

Vladas Pipiras, Murad S. Taqqu (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider an important subclass of self-similar, non-gaussian stable processes with stationary increments known as self-similar stable mixed moving averages. As previously shown by the authors, following the seminal approach of Jan Rosiński, these processes can be related to nonsingular flows through their minimal representations. Different types of flows give rise to different classes of self-similar mixed moving averages, and to corresponding general decompositions of these processes. Self-similar...

Incremental moments and Hölder exponents of multifractional multistable processes

Ronan Le Guével, Jacques Lévy Véhel (2013)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Multistable processes, that is, processes which are, at each “time”, tangent to a stable process, but where the index of stability varies along the path, have been recently introduced as models for phenomena where the intensity of jumps is non constant. In this work, we give further results on (multifractional) multistable processes related to their local structure. We show that, under certain conditions, the incremental moments display a scaling behaviour, and that the pointwise Hölder exponent...

Infinite divisibility of solutions to some self-similar integro-differential equations and exponential functionals of Lévy processes

Patie Pierre (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We first characterize the increasing eigenfunctions associated to the following family of integro-differential operators, for any α, x>0, γ≥0 and fa smooth function on + , 𝐋 ( γ ) f ( x ) = x - α ( σ 2 x 2 f ' ' ( x ) + ( σ γ + b ) x f ' ( x ) + 0 f e - r x - f ( x ) e - r γ + x f ' ( x ) r 𝕀 { r 1 } ν ( d r ) ) , ( 0 . 1 ) where the coefficients b ,σ≥0 and the measure ν, which satisfies the integrability condition ∫0∞(1∧r2)ν(dr)<+∞, are uniquely determined by the distribution of a spectrally negative, infinitely divisible random variable, with characteristic exponent ψ. L(γ) is known to be the infinitesimal generator of a positive...

Invariance principles for random walks conditioned to stay positive

Francesco Caravenna, Loïc Chaumont (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let {Snbe a random walk in the domain of attraction of a stable law 𝒴 , i.e. there exists a sequence of positive real numbers ( an) such that Sn/anconverges in law to 𝒴 . Our main result is that the rescaled process (S⌊nt⌋/an, t≥0), when conditioned to stay positive, converges in law (in the functional sense) towards the corresponding stable Lévy process conditioned to stay positive. Under some additional assumptions, we also prove a related invariance principle for the random walk killed at its first...

Linear rescaling of the stochastic process

Petr Lachout (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Discussion on the limits in distribution of processes Y under joint rescaling of space and time is presented in this paper. The results due to Lamperti (1962), Weissman (1975), Hudson Mason (1982) and Laha Rohatgi (1982) are improved here.

Long memory and self-similar processes

Gennady Samorodnitsky (2006)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

This paper is a survey of both classical and new results and ideas on long memory, scaling and self-similarity, both in the light-tailed and heavy-tailed cases.

Manifold indexed fractional fields

Jacques Istas (2012)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

(Local) self-similarity is a seminal concept, especially for Euclidean random fields. We study in this paper the extension of these notions to manifold indexed fields. We give conditions on the (local) self-similarity index that ensure the existence of fractional fields. Moreover, we explain how to identify the self-similar index. We describe a way of simulating Gaussian fractional fields.

Manifold indexed fractional fields∗

Jacques Istas (2012)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

(Local) self-similarity is a seminal concept, especially for Euclidean random fields. We study in this paper the extension of these notions to manifold indexed fields. We give conditions on the (local) self-similarity index that ensure the existence of fractional fields. Moreover, we explain how to identify the self-similar index. We describe a way of simulating Gaussian fractional fields.

Multidimensional Models for Methodological Validation in Multifractal Analysis

R. Lopes, I. Bhouri, S. Maouche, P. Dubois, M. H. Bedoui, N. Betrouni (2008)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Multifractal analysis is known as a useful tool in signal analysis. However, the methods are often used without methodological validation. In this study, we present multidimensional models in order to validate multifractal analysis methods.

Multifractional processes with random exponent.

Antoine Ayache, Murad S. Taqqu (2005)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Multifractional Processes with Random Exponent (MPRE) are obtained by replacing the Hurst parameter of Fractional Brownian Motion (FBM) with a stochastic process. This process need not be independent of the white noise generating the FBM. MPREs can be conveniently represented as random wavelet series. We will use this type of representation to study their Hölder regularity and their self-similarity.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 73