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On risk reserve under distribution constraints

Mariusz Michta (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

The purpose of this work is a study of the following insurance reserve model: R ( t ) = η + 0 t p ( s , R ( s ) ) d s + 0 t σ ( s , R ( s ) ) d W s - Z ( t ) , t ∈ [0,T], P(η ≥ c) ≥ 1-ϵ, ϵ ≥ 0. Under viability-type assumptions on a pair (p,σ) the estimation γ with the property: i n f 0 t T P R ( t ) c γ is considered.

On the conditional intensity of a random measure

Pierre Jacob, Paulo Eduardo Oliveira (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove the existence of the conditional intensity of a random measure that is absolutely continuous with respect to its mean; when there exists an L p -intensity, p > 1 , the conditional intensity is obtained at the same time almost surely and in the mean.

On the distance between ⟨X⟩ and L in the space of continuous BMO-martingales

Litan Yan, Norihiko Kazamaki (2005)

Studia Mathematica

Let X = (Xₜ,ℱₜ) be a continuous BMO-martingale, that is, | | X | | B M O s u p T | | E [ | X - X T | | T ] | | < , where the supremum is taken over all stopping times T. Define the critical exponent b(X) by b ( X ) = b > 0 : s u p T | | E [ e x p ( b ² ( X - X T ) ) | T ] | | < , where the supremum is taken over all stopping times T. Consider the continuous martingale q(X) defined by q ( X ) = E [ X | ] - E [ X | ] . We use q(X) to characterize the distance between ⟨X⟩ and the class L of all bounded martingales in the space of continuous BMO-martingales, and we show that the inequalities 1 / 4 d ( q ( X ) , L ) b ( X ) 4 / d ( q ( X ) , L ) hold for every continuous BMO-martingale X.

On the exponential Orlicz norms of stopped Brownian motion

Goran Peškir (1996)

Studia Mathematica

Necessary and sufficient conditions are found for the exponential Orlicz norm (generated by ψ p ( x ) = e x p ( | x | p ) - 1 with 0 < p ≤ 2) of m a x 0 t τ | B t | or | B τ | to be finite, where B = ( B t ) t 0 is a standard Brownian motion and τ is a stopping time for B. The conditions are in terms of the moments of the stopping time τ. For instance, we find that m a x 0 t τ | B t | ψ 1 < as soon as E ( τ k ) = O ( C k k k ) for some constant C > 0 as k → ∞ (or equivalently τ ψ 1 < ). In particular, if τ ∼ Exp(λ) or | N ( 0 , σ 2 ) | then the last condition is satisfied, and we obtain m a x 0 t τ | B t | ψ 1 K E ( τ ) with some universal constant K > 0....

On the infinite time horizon linear-quadratic regulator problem under a fractional brownian perturbation

Marina L. Kleptsyna, Alain Le Breton, Michel Viot (2005)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper we solve the basic fractional analogue of the classical infinite time horizon linear-quadratic gaussian regulator problem. For a completely observable controlled linear system driven by a fractional brownian motion, we describe explicitely the optimal control policy which minimizes an asymptotic quadratic performance criterion.

On the infinite time horizon linear-quadratic regulator problem under a fractional Brownian perturbation

Marina L. Kleptsyna, Alain Le Breton, Michel Viot (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper we solve the basic fractional analogue of the classical infinite time horizon linear-quadratic Gaussian regulator problem. For a completely observable controlled linear system driven by a fractional Brownian motion, we describe explicitely the optimal control policy which minimizes an asymptotic quadratic performance criterion.

On the law of large numbers for continuous-time martingales and applications to statistics.

Hung T. Nguyen, Tuan D. Pham (1982)


In order to develop a general criterion for proving strong consistency of estimators in Statistics of stochastic processes, we study an extension, to the continuous-time case, of the strong law of large numbers for discrete time square integrable martingales (e.g. Neveu, 1965, 1972). Applications to estimation in diffusion models are given.

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 457