Laplace transforms via Hadamard factorization.
Let (Ω,A,μ,T) be a measure preserving dynamical system. The speed of convergence in probability in the ergodic theorem for a generic function on Ω is arbitrarily slow.
A Large Deviation Principle (LDP) is proved for the family where the deterministic probability measure converges weakly to a probability measure and are -valued independent random variables whose distribution depends on and satisfies the following exponential moments condition:In this context, the identification of the rate function is non-trivial due to the absence of equidistribution. We rely on fine convex analysis to address this issue. Among the applications of this result, we extend...
A Large Deviation Principle (LDP) is proved for the family where the deterministic probability measure converges weakly to a probability measure R and are -valued independent random variables whose distribution depends on and satisfies the following exponential moments condition: In this context, the identification of the rate function is non-trivial due to the absence of equidistribution. We rely on fine convex analysis to address this issue. Among the applications of this result,...
We study functionals of the form ζt=∫0t⋯∫0t|X1(s1)+⋯+Xp(sp)|−σ ds1 ⋯ dsp, where X1(t), …, Xp(t) are i.i.d. d-dimensional symmetric stable processes of index 0<β≤2. We obtain results about the large deviations and laws of the iterated logarithm for ζt.