Large deviations for rough paths of the fractional brownian motion
We establish a Large Deviations Principle for diffusions with Lipschitz continuous oblique reflections on regular domains. The rate functional is given as the value function of a control problem and is proved to be good. The proof is based on a viscosity solution approach. The idea consists in interpreting the probabilities as the solutions to some PDEs, make the logarithmic transform, pass to the limit, and then identify the action functional as the solution of the limiting equation.
We consider the spatial -Fleming–Viot process model (Electron. J. Probab.15(2010) 162–216) for frequencies of genetic types in a population living in , in the special case in which there are just two types of individuals, labelled and . At time zero, everyone in a given half-space has type 1, whereas everyone in the complementary half-space has type . We are concerned with patterns of frequencies of the two types at large space and time scales. We consider two cases, one in which the dynamics...
Consider a stationary Boolean model with convex grains in and let any exposed lower tangent point of be shifted towards the hyperplane by the length of the part of the segment between the point and its projection onto the covered by . The resulting point process in the halfspace (the Laslett’s transform of ) is known to be stationary Poisson and of the same intensity as the original Boolean model. This result was first formulated for the planar Boolean model (see N. Cressie [Cressie])...
Sufficient and necessary conditions for equivalence of the distributions of the solutions of some linear stochastic equations in Hilbert spaces are given. Some facts in the theory of perturbations of semigroup generators and Zabczyk's results on law equivalence are used.