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Random walks on finite rank solvable groups

Ch. Pittet, Laurent Saloff-Coste (2003)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We establish the lower bound p 2 t ( e , e ) exp ( t 1 / 3 ) , for the large times asymptotic behaviours of the probabilities p 2 t ( e , e ) of return to the origin at even times 2 t , for random walks associated with finite symmetric generating sets of solvable groups of finite Prüfer rank. (A group has finite Prüfer rank if there is an integer r , such that any of its finitely generated subgroup admits a generating set of cardinality less or equal to r .)

Random walks on free products

M. Gabriella Kuhn (1991)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let G = * j = 1 q + 1 G n j + 1 be the product of q + 1 finite groups each having order n j + 1 and let μ be the probability measure which takes the value p j / n j on each element of G n j + 1 { e } . In this paper we shall describe the point spectrum of μ in C reg * ( G ) and the corresponding eigenspaces. In particular we shall see that the point spectrum occurs only for suitable choices of the numbers n j . We also compute the continuous spectrum of μ in C reg * ( G ) in several cases. A family of irreducible representations of G , parametrized on the continuous spectrum of μ ,...

Random walks on the affine group of local fields and of homogeneous trees

Donald I. Cartwright, Vadim A. Kaimanovich, Wolfgang Woess (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The affine group of a local field acts on the tree 𝕋 ( 𝔉 ) (the Bruhat-Tits building of GL ( 2 , 𝔉 ) ) with a fixed point in the space of ends 𝕋 ( F ) . More generally, we define the affine group Aff ( 𝔉 ) of any homogeneous tree 𝕋 as the group of all automorphisms of 𝕋 with a common fixed point in 𝕋 , and establish main asymptotic properties of random products in Aff ( 𝔉 ) : (1) law of large numbers and central limit theorem; (2) convergence to 𝕋 and solvability of the Dirichlet problem at infinity; (3) identification of the Poisson boundary...

Ranked fragmentations

Julien Berestycki (2002)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper we define and study self-similar ranked fragmentations. We first show that any ranked fragmentation is the image of some partition-valued fragmentation, and that there is in fact a one-to-one correspondence between the laws of these two types of fragmentations. We then give an explicit construction of homogeneous ranked fragmentations in terms of Poisson point processes. Finally we use this construction and classical results on records of Poisson point processes to study the small-time...

Ranked Fragmentations

Julien Berestycki (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper we define and study self-similar ranked fragmentations. We first show that any ranked fragmentation is the image of some partition-valued fragmentation, and that there is in fact a one-to-one correspondence between the laws of these two types of fragmentations. We then give an explicit construction of homogeneous ranked fragmentations in terms of Poisson point processes. Finally we use this construction and classical results on records of Poisson point processes to study the small-time behavior...

Rate of convergence for a class of RCA estimators

Pavel Vaněček (2006)


This work deals with Random Coefficient Autoregressive models where the error process is a martingale difference sequence. A class of estimators of unknown parameter is employed. This class was originally proposed by Schick and it covers both least squares estimator and maximum likelihood estimator for instance. Asymptotic behavior of such estimators is explored, especially the rate of convergence to normal distribution is established.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 173