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Time-dependent Schrödinger perturbations of transition densities

Krzysztof Bogdan, Wolfhard Hansen, Tomasz Jakubowski (2008)

Studia Mathematica

We construct the fundamental solution of t - Δ y - q ( t , y ) for functions q with a certain integral space-time relative smallness, in particular for those satisfying a relative Kato condition. The resulting transition density is comparable to the Gaussian kernel in finite time, and it is even asymptotically equal to the Gaussian kernel (in small time) under the relative Kato condition. The result is generalized to arbitrary strictly positive and finite time-nonhomogeneous transition densities on measure spaces. We...

Towards effective dynamics in complex systems by Markov kernel approximation

Christof Schütte, Tobias Jahnke (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Many complex systems occurring in various application share the property that the underlying Markov process remains in certain regions of the state space for long times, and that transitions between such metastable sets occur only rarely. Often the dynamics within each metastable set is of minor importance, but the transitions between these sets are crucial for the behavior and the understanding of the system. Since simulations of the original process are usually prohibitively expensive, the effective...

Transitions on a noncompact Cantor set and random walks on its defining tree

Jun Kigami (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

First, noncompact Cantor sets along with their defining trees are introduced as a natural generalization of p -adic numbers. Secondly we construct a class of jump processes on a noncompact Cantor set from given pairs of eigenvalues and measures. At the same time, we have concrete expressions of the associated jump kernels and transition densities. Then we construct intrinsic metrics on noncompact Cantor set to obtain estimates of transition densities and jump kernels under some regularity conditions...

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