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Risk-sensitive Markov stopping games with an absorbing state

Jaicer López-Rivero, Rolando Cavazos-Cadena, Hugo Cruz-Suárez (2022)


This work is concerned with discrete-time Markov stopping games with two players. At each decision time player II can stop the game paying a terminal reward to player I, or can let the system to continue its evolution. In this latter case player I applies an action affecting the transitions and entitling him to receive a running reward from player II. It is supposed that player I has a no-null and constant risk-sensitivity coefficient, and that player II tries to minimize the utility of player I....

Robust mixing.

Ganapathy, Murali (2007)

Electronic Journal of Probability [electronic only]

Robust Parametric Estimation of Branching Processes with a Random Number of Ancestors

Stoimenova, Vessela (2005)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80.The paper deals with a robust parametric estimation in branching processes {Zt(n)} having a random number of ancestors Z0(n) as both n and t tend to infinity (and thus Z0(n) in some sense). The offspring distribution is considered to belong to a discrete analogue of the exponential family – the class of the power series offspring distributions. Robust estimators, based on one and several sample paths, are proposed and studied for all values of the offspring...

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