Real harmonizable multifractional Lévy motions
In this paper, recurrence relations for conditional moment generating functions and conditional moments of order statistics and record values based on random samples drawn from members of a class of doubly truncated distributions Ád are obtained.
This paper presents a practical and simple fully nonparametric multivariate smoothing procedure that adapts to the underlying smoothness of the true regression function. Our estimator is easily computed by successive application of existing base smoothers (without the need of selecting an optimal smoothing parameter), such as thin-plate spline or kernel smoothers. The resulting smoother has better out of sample predictive capabilities than the underlying base smoother, or competing structurally...
The objective of this paper is to introduce some recursive methods that can be used for estimating an value. These methods can be used more generally for the estimation of the -quantile of an unknown distribution provided we have 0-1 observations at our disposal. Standard methods based on the Robbins-Monro procedure are introduced together with different approaches of Wu or Mukerjee. Several examples are also mentioned in order to demonstrate the usefulness of the methods presented.
We give a review on the properties and applications of M-estimators with redescending score function. For regression analysis, some of these redescending M-estimators can attain the maximum breakdown point which is possible in this setup. Moreover, some of them are the solutions of the problem of maximizing the efficiency under bounded influence function when the regression coefficient and the scale parameter are estimated simultaneously. Hence redescending M-estimators satisfy several outlier robustness...
Using tools of approximation theory, we evaluate rates of bias convergence for sequences of generalized L-statistics based on i.i.d. samples under mild smoothness conditions on the weight function and simple moment conditions on the score function. Apart from standard methods of weighting, we introduce and analyze L-statistics with possibly random coefficients defined by means of positive linear functionals acting on the weight function.
Relations for the marginal, joint, conditional characteristic functions of k-th upper and lower record values from generalized Pareto distribution and inverse generalized Pareto distribution are given.
Kernel smoothers belong to the most popular nonparametric functional estimates used for describing data structure. They can be applied to the fix design regression model as well as to the random design regression model. The main idea of this paper is to present a construction of the optimum kernel and optimum boundary kernel by means of the Gegenbauer and Legendre polynomials.
In this paper we focus on the problem of estimating a bounded density using a finite combination of densities from a given class. We consider the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) and the greedy procedure described by Li and Barron (1999) under the additional assumption of boundedness of densities. We prove an bound on the estimation error which does not depend on the number of densities in the estimated combination. Under the boundedness assumption, this improves the bound of Li and Barron by...
In this paper we focus on the problem of estimating a bounded density using a finite combination of densities from a given class. We consider the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) and the greedy procedure described by Li and Barron (1999) under the additional assumption of boundedness of densities. We prove an bound on the estimation error which does not depend on the number of densities in the estimated combination. Under the boundedness assumption, this improves the bound of Li and Barron...
We consider in this paper the statistical linear inverse problem Y = Af + ϵξ where A denotes a compact operator, ϵ a noise level and ξ a stochastic noise. The unknown function f has to be recovered from the indirect measurement Y. We are interested in the following approach: given a family of estimators, we want to select the best possible one. In this context, the unbiased risk estimation (URE) method is rather popular. Nevertheless, it is also very unstable. Recently, Cavalier and Golubev (2006)...
Using Zieliński's (1977, 1983) formalization of robustness Błażej (2007) obtained uniformly most bias-robust estimates (UMBREs) of the scale parameter for some statistical models (including the exponential model), in a class of linear functions of order statistics, when violations of the models are generated by weight functions. In this paper the UMBRE of the scale parameter, based on spacings, in two weighted exponential models is derived. Extensions of results of Bartoszewicz (1986, 1987) are...
The concept of robustness given by Zieliński (1977) is considered in cases where violations of models are generated by weight functions. Uniformly most bias-robust estimates of the scale parameter, based on order statistics, are obtained for some statistical models. Extensions of results of Zieliński (1983) and Bartoszewicz (1986) are given.