Displaying 221 – 240 of 1090

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Biquadratic splines interpolating mean values

Jiří Kobza, Jan Mlčák (1994)

Applications of Mathematics

Continuity conditions for a biquadratic spline interpolating given mean values in terms of proper parameters are given. Boundary conditions determining such a spline and the algorithm for computing local parameters for the given data are studied. The notion of the natural spline and its extremal property is mentioned.

B-spline bases and osculating flats : one result of H.-P. Seidel revisited

Marie-Laurence Mazure (2002)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Along with the classical requirements on B-splines bases (minimal support, positivity, normalization) we show that it is natural to introduce an additional “end point property”. When dealing with multiple knots, this additional property is exactly the appropriate requirement to obtain the poles of nondegenerate splines as intersections of osculating flats at consecutive knots.

B-spline bases and osculating flats: One result of H.-P. Seidel revisited

Marie-Laurence Mazure (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Along with the classical requirements on B-splines bases (minimal support, positivity, normalization) we show that it is natural to introduce an additional “end point property". When dealing with multiple knots, this additional property is exactly the appropriate requirement to obtain the poles of nondegenerate splines as intersections of osculating flats at consecutive knots.

Cálculo rápido de las funciones de Bessel modificadas Kis(X) e Iis(X) y sus derivadas.

Lluís Closas Torrente, Juan Antonio Fernández Rubio (1987)


En este trabajo discutimos la resolución de la ecuación de Besseld2x/dx2 + (1/x)(dy/dx) - (1 - s2/x2)y = 0.Las funciones de Bessel modificadas Kv(x) e Iv(x) son las soluciones a la ecuación anterior cuando v = is. El valor de la función Kis(x) es real y el de la función Iis(x) es complejo, por ello definimos en su lugar una función real Mis(x). La función Iis(x) resultará ser una combinación de las funciones Kis(x) y Mis(x). Daremos algunos desarrollos en serie de Mis(x) y Kis(x) junto con sus derivadas...

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 1090