Isotropic and anisotropic a posteriori error estimation of the mixed finite element method for second order operators in divergence form.
An -estimate of the finite element error is proved for a Dirichlet and a Neumann boundary value problem on a three-dimensional, prismatic and non-convex domain that is discretized by an anisotropic tetrahedral mesh. To this end, an approximation error estimate for an interpolation operator that is preserving the Dirichlet boundary conditions is given. The challenge for the Neumann problem is the proof of a local interpolation error estimate for functions from a weighted Sobolev space.
In this paper, the Babuška’s theory of Lagrange multipliers is extended to higher order elliptic Dirichlet problems. The resulting variational formulation provides an efficient numerical squeme in meshless methods for the approximation of elliptic problems with essential boundary conditions.
In this paper, the Babuška's theory of Lagrange multipliers is extended to higher order elliptic Dirichlet problems. The resulting variational formulation provides an efficient numerical squeme in meshless methods for the approximation of elliptic problems with essential boundary conditions.
We derive a residual a posteriori error estimates for the subscales stabilization of convection diffusion equation. The estimator yields upper bound on the error which is global and lower bound that is local
We developed a mimetic finite difference method for solving elliptic equations with tensor coefficients on polyhedral meshes. The first-order convergence estimates in a mesh-dependent norm are derived.