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Optimization of plunger cavity

Salač, Petr (2013)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

In the contribution we present a problem of shape optimization of the cooling cavity of a plunger that is used in the forming process in the glass in dustry. A rotationally symmetric system of the mould, the glass piece, the plunger and the plunger cavity is considered. The state problem is given as a stationary heat conduction process. The system includes a heat source representing the glass piece that is cooled from inside by water flowing through the plunger cavity and from outside by the environment surrounding...

Optimization of power transmission systems using a multi-level decomposition approach

Alexandre Dolgui, Nikolai Guschinsky, Genrikh Levin (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We discuss the use of operations research methods for computer-aided design of mechanical transmission systems. We consider how to choose simultaneously transmission ratios and basic design parameters of transmission elements (diameters, widths, modules and tooth number for gears, diameters of shafts). The objectives, by the order of importance, are: to minimize the deviation of the obtained speeds from desired; to maximize the transmission life; to minimize the total mass. To solve this...

Optimization of the shape of axisymmetric shells

Ivan Hlaváček (1983)

Aplikace matematiky

Axisymmetric thin elastic shells of constant thickness are considered and the meridian curves of their middle surfaces taken for the design variable. Admissible functions are smooth curves of a given length, which are uniformly bounded together with their first and second derivatives, and such that the shell contains a given volume. The loading consists of the hydrostatic pressure of a liquid, the shell's own weight and the internal or external pressure. As the cost functional, the integral of the...

Optimum beam design via stochastic programming

Eva Žampachová, Pavel Popela, Michal Mrázek (2010)


The purpose of the paper is to discuss the applicability of stochastic programming models and methods to civil engineering design problems. In cooperation with experts in civil engineering, the problem concerning an optimal design of beam dimensions has been chosen. The corresponding mathematical model involves an ODE-type constraint, uncertain parameter related to the material characteristics and multiple criteria. As a~result, a~multi-criteria stochastic nonlinear optimization model is obtained....

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