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Facetas del politopo de recubrimiento con coeficientes en {0, 1, 2, 3}.

Miguel Sánchez García, M.ª Inés Sobrón Fernández, M.ª Candelaria Espinel Febles (1992)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

En dos artículos, publicados en 1989, Balas y Ng dan una metodología para construir facetas del politopo de recubrimiento con coeficientes en {0, 1, 2}. Siguiendo esta metodología, en el presente artículo decimos cómo se contruyen facetas de dicho politopo con coeficientes en {0, 1, 2, 3}.

Fast approximation of minimum multicast congestion – Implementation versus theory

Andreas Baltz, Anand Srivastav (2004)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

The problem of minimizing the maximum edge congestion in a multicast communication network generalizes the well-known N P -hard multicommodity flow problem. We give the presently best theoretical approximation results as well as efficient implementations. In particular we show that for a network with m edges and k multicast requests, an r ( 1 + ε ) ( r t e x t O P T + exp ( 1 ) ln m ) -approximation can be computed in O ( k m ε - 2 ln k ln m ) time, where β bounds the time for computing an r -approximate minimum Steiner tree. Moreover, we present a new fast heuristic that...

Fast approximation of minimum multicast congestion – Implementation VERSUS Theory

Andreas Baltz, Anand Srivastav (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The problem of minimizing the maximum edge congestion in a multicast communication network generalizes the well-known NP-hard multicommodity flow problem. We give the presently best theoretical approximation results as well as efficient implementations. In particular we show that for a network with m edges and k multicast requests, an r(1 + ε)(rOPT + exp(1)lnm)-approximation can be computed in O(kmε-2lnklnm) time, where β bounds the time for computing an r-approximate minimum Steiner tree. Moreover,...

Fast computation of the leastcore and prenucleolus of cooperative games

Joseph Frédéric Bonnans, Matthieu André (2008)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The computation of leastcore and prenucleolus is an efficient way of allocating a common resource among n players. It has, however, the drawback being a linear programming problem with 2n - 2 constraints. In this paper we show how, in the case of convex production games, generate constraints by solving small size linear programming problems, with both continuous and integer variables. The approach is extended to games with symmetries (identical players), and to games with partially continuous...

Finding target units in FDH model by least-distance measure model

Ali Ebrahimnejad, Reza Shahverdi, Farzad Rezaee Balf, Maryam Hatefi (2013)


Recently, some authors used the Least-Distance Measure model in order to obtain the shortest distance between the evaluated Decision Making Unit (DMU) and the strongly efficient production frontier. But, their model is not applicable for situation in which the production possibility set satisfies free disposability property. In this paper, we propose a new approach to this end in FDH model which improves the application potential of the Least-Distance Measure and overcomes the mentioned shortcoming....

Finding the principal points of a random variable

Emilio Carrizosa, E. Conde, A. Castaño, D. Romero-Morales (2001)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

The p -principal points of a random variable X with finite second moment are those p points in minimizing the expected squared distance from X to the closest point. Although the determination of principal points involves in general the resolution of a multiextremal optimization problem, existing procedures in the literature provide just a local optimum. In this paper we show that standard Global Optimization techniques can be applied.

Finding the principal points of a random variable

Emilio Carrizosa, E. Conde, A. Castaño, D. Romero–Morales (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The p-principal points of a random variable X with finite second moment are those p points in minimizing the expected squared distance from X to the closest point. Although the determination of principal points involves in general the resolution of a multiextremal optimization problem, existing procedures in the literature provide just a local optimum. In this paper we show that standard Global Optimization techniques can be applied.

Finite convergence into a convex polytope via facet reflections

Dinesh B. Ekanayake, Douglas J. LaFountain, Boris Petracovici (2023)

Applications of Mathematics

The problem of utilizing facet reflections to bring a point outside of a convex polytope to inside has not been studied explicitly in the literature. Here we introduce two algorithms that complete the task in finite iterations. The first algorithm generates multiple solutions on the plane, and can be readily utilized in creating games on a plane or as a level generation method for video games. The second algorithm is a new efficient way to bring infeasible starting points of an optimization problem...

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