Stability of periodic solutions in extended Gierer-Meinhardt model.
During vertebrate development cells acquire different fates depending largely on their location in the embryo. The definition of a cell's developmental fate relies on extensive intercellular communication that produces positional information and ultimately generates an appropriately proportioned anatomy. Here we place reaction-diffusion mechanisms in the context of general concepts regarding the generation of positional information during development and then focus on these mechanisms as parsimonious...
In this article, we build a mathematical model to understand the formation of a tree leaf. Our model is based on the idea that a leaf tends to maximize internal efficiency by developing an efficient transport system for transporting water and nutrients. The meaning of “the efficient transport system” may vary as the type of the tree leave varies. In this article, we will demonstrate that tree leaves have different shapes and venation patterns mainly because they have adopted different efficient...
We discuss theoretical and experimental approaches to three distinct developmental systems that illustrate how theory can influence experimental work and vice-versa. The chosen systems – Drosophila melanogaster, bacterial pattern formation, and pigmentation patterns – illustrate the fundamental physical processes of signaling, growth and cell division, and cell movement involved in pattern formation and development. These systems exemplify the current state of theoretical and experimental understanding...
Collective cell motility and its guidance via cell-cell contacts is instrumental in several morphogenetic and pathological processes such as vasculogenesis or tumor growth. Multicellular sprout elongation, one of the simplest cases of collective motility, depends on a continuous supply of cells streaming along the sprout towards its tip. The phenomenon is often explained as leader cells pulling the rest of the sprout forward via cell-cell adhesion. Building on an empirically demonstrated analogy...
In the present paper, we consider an approximate system of one-dimensional simplified tumor invasion model, which was originally proposed by Chaplain and Anderson in [chaplain-anderson-03]. The simplified tumor invasion model is composed of PDE and ODE. Actually, the PDE is the balance equation of the density of tumor cells and the ODE describes the dynamics of concentration of extracellular matrix. In this model, we take into account that the random motility of the density of tumor cells is given...