Nonlinear stabilization by adding integrators
Multiple models are recognised by their abilities to accurately describe nonlinear dynamic behaviours of a wide variety of nonlinear systems with a tractable model in control engineering problems. Multiple models are built by the interpolation of a set of submodels according to a particular aggregation mechanism, with the heterogeneous multiple model being of particular interest. This multiple model is characterized by the use of heterogeneous submodels in the sense that their state spaces are not...
Nonlinear Trajectory Generation (NTG), developed by Mark Milam, is a software algorithm used to generate trajectories of constrained nonlinear systems in real-time. The goal of this paper is to present an approach to make NTG more userfriendly. To accomplish this, we have programmed a Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Java, using object oriented design, which wraps the NTG software and allows the user to quickly and efficiently alter the parameters of NTG. This new program, called NTGsim, eliminates...