Random inspection schedules with non-decreasing intensity
Performance evaluation of classifiers is a crucial step for selecting the best classifier or the best set of parameters for a classifier. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) are widely used to analyse performance of a classifier. However, the approach does not take into account that misclassification for different classes might have more or less serious consequences. On the other hand, it is often difficult to specify exactly the consequences or costs...
The problem of energy transfer in an -ladder network is considered. Using the maximum principle, an algorithm for constructing optimal control is proposed, where the cost function is the energy delivered to the network. In the case considered, optimal control exists. Numerical simulations were performed using Matlab.
Safety in dynamic processes is a concern of rising importance, especially if people would be endangered by serious system failure. Moreover, as the control devices which are now exploited to improve the overall performance of processes include both sophisticated control strategies and complex hardware (input-output sensors, actuators, components and processing units), there is an increased probability of faults. As a direct consequence of this, automatic supervision systems should be taken into...
This paper is concerned with actuator fault detection in nonlinear systems in the presence of disturbances. A nonlinear unknown input observer is designed and the output estimation error is used as a residual for fault detection. To deal with the problem of high Lipschitz constants, a modified mean-value theorem is used to express the nonlinear error dynamics as a convex combination of known matrices with time-varying coefficients. Moreover, the disturbance attenuation is performed using a modified...
This paper presents a novel robust optimal control approach for attitude stabilization of a flexible spacecraft in the presence of external disturbances. An optimal control law is formulated by using concepts of inverse optimal control, proportional-integral-derivative control and a control Lyapunov function. A modified extended state observer is used to compensate for the total disturbances. High-gain and second order sliding mode algorithms are merged to obtain the proposed modified extended state...
Considerable safety benefits are achieved by robustly decoupling the lateral and yaw motions of a car with active steering. Robust unilateral decoupling requires an actuator to generate an additional front wheel steering angle. However, introducing actuators to closed loop systems may cause limit cycles due to actuator saturation and rate limits. Such limit cycles are intolerable w.r.t. safety and comfort. By introducing a simple nonlinear modification of the control law, this paper proposes a remedy...
In the paper the design of an aircraft motion controller based on the Dynamic Contraction Method is presented. The control task is formulated as a tracking problem for Euler angles, where the desired decoupled output transients are accomplished under assumption of high-level, high-frequency sensor noise and incomplete information about varying parameters of the system and external disturbances. The resulting controller has a simple form of a combination of a low-order linear dynamical system and...
In this paper, a new concept of the Reactivity Trace Curve (RTC) for reactor power control is presented. The concept is demonstrated for a reactor model with one group of delayed neutrons, where the reactivity trace curve is simply a closed form exponential solution of the RTC-differential equation identifier. An extended reactor model of multigroup (six groups) of delayed neutrons is discussed for power control using the RTC-method which is based on numerical solution of the governing equation...