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Ecological-Economic Model of the Region: Information Technology, Forecasting and Optimal Control

V. Gurman, V. Baturin (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The paper considers a methodology of mathematical modeling of ecological-economic processes at the regional level. The basis of the model is formed by equations, which describe two interacting blocks: economic and ecological ones. Equations of the economic block are represented by relations of generalized inter-branch balance, while the ecological part is described in terms of differential equations with deviations with respect to some given state of natural resources. Issues of i) information...

Economic assessment of the Champagne wine qualitative stock mecanism

Jacques Laye, Maximilien Laye (2006)

RAIRO - Operations Research

In the wine AOC system, the regulation of quantities performed by the professional organizations is aimed to smooth the variations of the quality of the wine due to the variations in the climate that affect the quality of the grapes. Nevertheless, this regulation could be damaging to the consumers due to the price increase resulting from the reduction of the quantities sold on the market. We propose a stochastic control model and a simulation tool able to measure the effects of this mechanism...

Energy dissipation and hysteresis cycles in pre-sliding transients of kinetic friction

Michael Ruderman (2023)

Applications of Mathematics

The problem of transient hysteresis cycles induced by the pre-sliding kinetic friction is relevant for analyzing the system dynamics, e.g., of micro- and nano-positioning instruments and devices and their controlled operation. The associated energy dissipation and consequent convergence of the state trajectories occur due to the structural hysteresis damping of contact surface asperities during reversals, and it is neither exponential (i.e., viscous type) nor finite-time (i.e., Coulomb type). In...

Ensemble neural network approach for accurate load forecasting in a power system

Krzysztof Siwek, Stanisław Osowski, Ryszard Szupiluk (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper presents an improved method for 1-24 hours load forecasting in the power system, integrating and combining different neural forecasting results by an ensemble system. We will integrate the results of partial predictions made by three solutions, out of which one relies on a multilayer perceptron and two others on self-organizing networks of the competitive type. As the expert system we will apply different integration methods: simple averaging, SVD based weighted averaging, principal component...

Estimation of feedwater heater parameters based on a grey-box approach

Tomasz Barszcz, Piotr Czop (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The first-principle modeling of a feedwater heater operating in a coal-fired power unit is presented, along with a theoretical discussion concerning its structural simplifications, parameter estimation, and dynamical validation. The model is a part of the component library of modeling environments, called the Virtual Power Plant (VPP). The main purpose of the VPP is simulation of power generation installations intended for early warning diagnostic applications. The model was developed in the Matlab/Simulink...

Estrategias óptimas de publicidad y precio.

María del Carmen Castrodeza Chamorro, Rafael Caballero Fernández, Trinidad Gómez Núñez (1991)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

El modelo de control óptimo no lineal, considerado en este artículo, posee una variable de estado x proporción de clientes y dos variables de control: precio p y gastos en publicidad u. Realizando un análisis de estabilidad en diferentes planos de fase se demuestra, bajo ciertas hipótesis, que es óptimo introducir un producto en el mercado con un precio reducido y realizando una fuerte inversión al comienzo de la campaña.

Evolutionary optimization of interval mathematics-based design of a TSK fuzzy controller for anti-sway crane control

Jarosław Smoczek (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A hybrid method combining an evolutionary search strategy, interval mathematics and pole assignment-based closed-loop control synthesis is proposed to design a robust TSK fuzzy controller. The design objective is to minimize the number of linear controllers associated with rule conclusions and tune the triangular-shaped membership function parameters of a fuzzy controller to satisfy stability and desired dynamic performances in the presence of system parameter variation. The robust performance objective...

Exponential stability and transfer functions of processes governed by symmetric hyperbolic systems

Cheng-Zhong Xu, Gauthier Sallet (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we study the frequency and time domain behaviour of a heat exchanger network system. The system is governed by hyperbolic partial differential equations. Both the control operator and the observation operator are unbounded but admissible. Using the theory of symmetric hyperbolic systems, we prove exponential stability of the underlying semigroup for the heat exchanger network. Applying the recent theory of well-posed infinite-dimensional linear systems, we prove that the system is...

Exponential Stability and Transfer Functions of Processes Governed by Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems

Cheng-Zhong Xu, Gauthier Sallet (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we study the frequency and time domain behaviour of a heat exchanger network system. The system is governed by hyperbolic partial differential equations. Both the control operator and the observation operator are unbounded but admissible. Using the theory of symmetric hyperbolic systems, we prove exponential stability of the underlying semigroup for the heat exchanger network. Applying the recent theory of well-posed infinite-dimensional linear systems, we prove that the system...

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