Fuzzy controller design based on stability criteria
The problem of output regulation of the system affected by unknown constant parameters is considered here. Under certain assumptions, such a problem is known to be solvable using error feedback via the so-called immersion to an observable linear system with outputs. Nevertheless, for many interesting cases this kind of finite dimensional immersion is difficult or even impossible to find. In order to achieve constructive procedures for wider classes, this paper investigates a more general type of...
A fractional differential controller for incommensurate fractional unified chaotic system is described and proved by using the Gershgorin circle theorem in this paper. Also, based on the idea of a nonlinear observer, a new method for generalized synchronization (GS) of this system is proposed. Furthermore, the GS technique is applied in secure communication (SC), and a chaotic masking system is designed. Finally, the proposed fractional differential controller, GS and chaotic masking scheme are...
In this paper, partial topology identification of complex networks is investigated based on synchronization method. We construct the response networks consisting of nodes with sim-pler dynamics than that in the drive networks. By constructing Lyapunov function, sufficient conditions are derived to guarantee partial topology identification by designing suitable controllers and parameters update laws. Several numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results....
The paper presents control signals generation methods, preventing the excitation of residual vibration in slightly damped oscillational systems. It is focused on the feedforward methods, as most of the vibrations in examined processes are induced by the control, while the influence of disturbances is mostly negligible. Application of these methods involves ensuring of the insensitivity to natural frequency change, which can be reached in classical approach only by considerable increase of transient...
In this paper, we investigate the geometric structures of the stable time-varying and the stable static output feedback systems. Firstly, we give a parametrization of stabilizing time-varying output feedback gains subject to certain constraints, that is, the subset of stabilizing time-varying output feedback gains is diffeomorphic to the Cartesian product of the set of time-varying positive definite matrices and the set of time-varying skew symmetric matrices satisfying certain algebraic conditions....
In this paper, we investigate the problem of global output-feedback regulation for a class of switched nonlinear systems with unknown linear growth condition and uncertain output function. Based on the backstepping method, an adaptive output-feedback controller is designed to guarantee that the state of the switched nonlinear system can be globally regulated to the origin while maintaining global boundedness of the resulting closed-loop switched system under arbitrary switchings. A numerical example...
In this paper, a finite dimensional approximated model of a mechanical system constituted by a vertical heavy flexible beam with lumped masses placed along the beam and a mobile mass located at the tip, is proposed; such a model is parametric in the approximation order, so that a prescribed accuracy in the representation of the actual system can be easily obtained with the proposed model. The system itself can be understood as a simple representation of a building subject to transverse vibrations,...
We prove global internal controllability in large time for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation on a bounded interval with periodic, Dirichlet or Neumann conditions. Our strategy combines stabilization and local controllability near 0. We use Bourgain spaces to prove this result on L2. We also get a regularity result about the control if the data are assumed smoother.
Global finite-time observers are designed for a class of nonlinear systems with bounded varying rational powers imposed on the increments of the nonlinearities whose solutions exist and are unique for all positive time. The global finite-time observers designed in this paper are with two homogeneous terms. The global finite-time convergence of the observation error system is achieved by combining global asymptotic stability and local finite-time stability.
This paper investigates the problem of global stabilization by state and output-feedback for a family of for nonlinear Riemann-Liouville and Caputo fractional order time delay systems written in triangular form satisfying linear growth conditions. By constructing a appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, global asymptotic stability of the closed-loop systems is achieved. Moreover, sufficient conditions for the stability, for the particular class of fractional order time-delay system are obtained....
This paper mainly deals with the design of an advanced control law with an observer for a special class of nonlinear systems. We design an observer with a gain as a function of speed. We study the solution to the output feedback torque and rotor flux-tracking problem for an induction motor model given in the natural frame. We propose a new robust nonlinear observer and prove the global stability of the interlaced controller-observer system. The control algorithm is studied through simulations and...
Finding sufficient criteria for synchronization of master-slave chaotic systems by replacing variables control has been an open problem in the field of chaos control. This paper presents some recent works on the subject, with emphasis on chaos synchronization of both identical and parametrically mismatched Lur’e systems by replacing variables control. The synchronization schemes are formally constructed and two classes of sufficient criteria for global synchronization, linear matrix inequality criterion...
We consider a one-dimensional porous-elastic system with porous-viscosity and a distributed delay of neutral type. First, we prove the global existence and uniqueness of the solution by using the Faedo-Galerkin approximations along with some energy estimates. Then, based on the energy method with some appropriate assumptions on the kernel of neutral delay term, we construct a suitable Lyapunov functional and we prove that, despite of the destructive nature of delays in general, the damping mechanism...