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Sobre la estabilización robusta para ciertos tipos de sistemas lineales.

J. M. Amillo, F. A. Mata (1989)

Collectanea Mathematica

In this paper we consider the problem of robust stabilization of systems with complex pole variations. We show that techniques from the complex function field can also be used to treat these cases. In particular the problem is reduced to one of interpolation theory on the disk.

Some remarks on matrix pencil completion problems

Jean-Jacques Loiseau, Petr Zagalak, Sabine Mondié (2004)


The matrix pencil completion problem introduced in [J. J. Loiseau, S. Mondié, I. Zaballa, and P. Zagalak: Assigning the Kronecker invariants to a matrix pencil by row or column completions. Linear Algebra Appl. 278 (1998)] is reconsidered and the latest results achieved in that field are discussed.

Spatially-distributed coverage optimization and control with limited-range interactions

Jorge Cortés, Sonia Martínez, Francesco Bullo (2005)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper presents coordination algorithms for groups of mobile agents performing deployment and coverage tasks. As an important modeling constraint, we assume that each mobile agent has a limited sensing or communication radius. Based on the geometry of Voronoi partitions and proximity graphs, we analyze a class of aggregate objective functions and propose coverage algorithms in continuous and discrete time. These algorithms have convergence guarantees and are spatially distributed with respect...

Spatially-distributed coverage optimization and control with limited-range interactions

Jorge Cortés, Sonia Martínez, Francesco Bullo (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper presents coordination algorithms for groups of mobile agents performing deployment and coverage tasks. As an important modeling constraint, we assume that each mobile agent has a limited sensing or communication radius.
Based on the geometry of Voronoi partitions and proximity graphs, we analyze a class of aggregate objective functions and propose coverage algorithms in continuous and discrete time.
These algorithms have convergence guarantees and are spatially distributed with...

Special issue on decentralized control of large scale complex systems

Lubomír Bakule (2009)


This special issue provides information on current and future research directions in the emerging field of Decentralized Control of Large Scale Complex Systems. There is generally adopted view that a dynamic system is large scale complex whenever it is necessary to partition its analysis or synthesis problem to manageable subproblems. Its fundamental characteristics in modeling and control are high dimensionality, uncertainty, information structure constraints, and delays. Theory of large scale...

Stabilisation d’une poutre. Étude du taux optimal de décroissance de l’énergie élastique

Francis Conrad, Fatima-Zahra Saouri (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

On se propose d’étudier la stabilité d’une poutre flexible homogène, encastrée à une extrémité. À l’autre extrémité est attachée une masse ponctuelle où on applique un moment proportionnel à la vitesse de déplacement angulaire. On montre par une analyse spectrale que le taux optimal de décroissance de l’énergie est déterminé par l’abscisse spectrale du générateur infinitésimal du semi-groupe associé au problème.

Stabilisation d'une poutre. Étude du taux optimal de décroissance de l'énergie élastique

Francis Conrad, Fatima-Zahra Saouri (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study the stability of a flexible beam clamped at one end. A mass is attached at the other end, where a control moment is applied. The boundary control is proportional to the angular velocity at the end. By spectral analysis, we prove that the optimal decay rate of the energy is given by the spectrum of the generator of the semigroup associated to the system.

Stabilisation exponentielle d’une équation des poutres d’Euler-Bernoulli à coefficients variables

My Driss Aouragh, Naji Yebari (2009)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Dans ce travail, nous étudions la propriété de base de Riesz et la stabilisation exponentielle pour une équation des poutres d’Euler-Bernoulli à coefficients variables sous un contrôle frontière linéaire dépendant de la position (resp. l’angle de rotation), de la vitesse et de la vitesse de rotation dans le contrôle force (resp. moment). Nous montrons qu’il existe une suite de fonctions propres généralisées qui forme une base de Riesz de l’espace d’énergie considéré, et qu’il y a stabilité exponentielle...

Stabilisation frontière de problèmes de Ventcel

Amar Heminna (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The problem of boundary stabilization for the isotropic linear elastodynamic system and the wave equation with Ventcel's conditions are considered (see [12]). The boundary observability and the exact controllability were etablished in [11]. We prove here the enegy decay to zero for the elastodynamic system with stationary Ventcel's conditions by introducing a nonlinear boundary feedback. We also give a boundary feedback leading to arbitrarily large energy decay rates for the elastodynamic system...

Stabilisation polynomiale et analytique de l’équation des ondes sur un rectangle

Ammar Moulahi, Salsabil Nouira (2010)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

On considère l’équation des ondes sur un rectangle avec un feedback de type Dirichlet. On se place dans le cas où la condition de contrôle géométrique n’est pas satisfaite (BLR Condition), ce qui implique qu’on n’a pas stabilité exponentielle dans l’espace d’énérgie. On prouve qu’on peut trouver un sous espace de l’espace d’énergie tel qu’on a stabilité exponentielle. De plus, on montre un résultat de décroissance polynomiale pour toute donnée initiale régulière.

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