Displaying 181 – 200 of 715

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Conditions for β-perfectness

Judith Keijsper, Meike Tewes (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A β-perfect graph is a simple graph G such that χ(G') = β(G') for every induced subgraph G' of G, where χ(G') is the chromatic number of G', and β(G') is defined as the maximum over all induced subgraphs H of G' of the minimum vertex degree in H plus 1 (i.e., δ(H)+1). The vertices of a β-perfect graph G can be coloured with χ(G) colours in polynomial time (greedily). The main purpose of this paper is to give necessary and sufficient conditions, in terms of forbidden induced subgraphs,...

Constrained Colouring and σ-Hypergraphs

Yair Caro, Josef Lauri, Christina Zarb (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A constrained colouring or, more specifically, an (α, β)-colouring of a hypergraph H, is an assignment of colours to its vertices such that no edge of H contains less than α or more than β vertices with different colours. This notion, introduced by Bujtás and Tuza, generalises both classical hypergraph colourings and more general Voloshin colourings of hypergraphs. In fact, for r-uniform hypergraphs, classical colourings correspond to (2, r)-colourings while an important instance of Voloshin colourings...

Cores and shells of graphs

Allan Bickle (2013)

Mathematica Bohemica

The k -core of a graph G , C k ( G ) , is the maximal induced subgraph H G such that δ ( G ) k , if it exists. For k > 0 , the k -shell of a graph G is the subgraph of G induced by the edges contained in the k -core and not contained in the ( k + 1 ) -core. The core number of a vertex is the largest value for k such that v C k ( G ) , and the maximum core number of a graph, C ^ ( G ) , is the maximum of the core numbers of the vertices of G . A graph G is k -monocore if C ^ ( G ) = δ ( G ) = k . This paper discusses some basic results on the structure of k -cores and k -shells....

Countable 1-transitive coloured linear orderings II

G. Campero-Arena, J. K. Truss (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

This paper gives a structure theorem for the class of countable 1-transitive coloured linear orderings for a countably infinite colour set, concluding the work begun in [1]. There we gave a complete classification of these orders for finite colour sets, of which there are ℵ₁. For infinite colour sets, the details are considerably more complicated, but many features from [1] occur here too, in more marked form, principally the use (now essential it seems) of coding trees, as a means of describing...

Counterexamples to Hedetniemi's conjecture and infinite Boolean lattices

Claude Tardif (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that for any c 5 , there exists an infinite family ( G n ) n of graphs such that χ ( G n ) > c for all n and χ ( G m × G n ) c for all m n . These counterexamples to Hedetniemi’s conjecture show that the Boolean lattice of exponential graphs with K c as a base is infinite for c 5 .

Criteria for of the existence of uniquely partitionable graphs with respect to additive induced-hereditary properties

Izak Broere, Jozef Bucko, Peter Mihók (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let ₁,₂,...,ₙ be graph properties, a graph G is said to be uniquely (₁,₂, ...,ₙ)-partitionable if there is exactly one (unordered) partition V₁,V₂,...,Vₙ of V(G) such that G [ V i ] i for i = 1,2,...,n. We prove that for additive and induced-hereditary properties uniquely (₁,₂,...,ₙ)-partitionable graphs exist if and only if i and j are either coprime or equal irreducible properties of graphs for every i ≠ j, i,j ∈ 1,2,...,n.

Cyclically 5-edge connected non-bicritical critical snarks

Stefan Grünewald, Eckhard Steffen (1999)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Snarks are bridgeless cubic graphs with chromatic index χ' = 4. A snark G is called critical if χ'(G-{v,w}) = 3, for any two adjacent vertices v and w. For any k ≥ 2 we construct cyclically 5-edge connected critical snarks G having an independent set I of at least k vertices such that χ'(G-I) = 4. For k = 2 this solves a problem of Nedela and Skoviera [6].

Decompositions of Plane Graphs Under Parity Constrains Given by Faces

Július Czap, Zsolt Tuza (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

An edge coloring of a plane graph G is facially proper if no two faceadjacent edges of G receive the same color. A facial (facially proper) parity edge coloring of a plane graph G is an (facially proper) edge coloring with the property that, for each color c and each face f of G, either an odd number of edges incident with f is colored with c, or color c does not occur on the edges of f. In this paper we deal with the following question: For which integers k does there exist a facial (facially proper)...

Decompositions of quadrangle-free planar graphs

Oleg V. Borodin, Anna O. Ivanova, Alexandr V. Kostochka, Naeem N. Sheikh (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

W. He et al. showed that a planar graph not containing 4-cycles can be decomposed into a forest and a graph with maximum degree at most 7. This degree restriction was improved to 6 by Borodin et al. We further lower this bound to 5 and show that it cannot be improved to 3.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 715