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The eavesdropping number of a graph

Jeffrey L. Stuart (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let G be a connected, undirected graph without loops and without multiple edges. For a pair of distinct vertices u and v , a minimum { u , v } -separating set is a smallest set of edges in G whose removal disconnects u and v . The edge connectivity of G , denoted λ ( G ) , is defined to be the minimum cardinality of a minimum { u , v } -separating set as u and v range over all pairs of distinct vertices in G . We introduce and investigate the eavesdropping number, denoted ε ( G ) , which is defined to be the maximum cardinality of...

The Eccentric Connectivity Polynomial of some Graph Operations

Ashrafi, A., Ghorbani, M., Hossein-Zadeh, M. (2011)

Serdica Journal of Computing

The eccentric connectivity index of a graph G, ξ^C, was proposed by Sharma, Goswami and Madan. It is defined as ξ^C(G) = ∑ u ∈ V(G) degG(u)εG(u), where degG(u) denotes the degree of the vertex x in G and εG(u) = Max{d(u, x) | x ∈ V (G)}. The eccentric connectivity polynomial is a polynomial version of this topological index. In this paper, exact formulas for the eccentric connectivity polynomial of Cartesian product, symmetric difference, disjunction and join of graphs are presented.* The work...

The Gutman Index and the Edge-Wiener Index of Graphs with Given Vertex-Connectivity

Jaya Percival Mazorodze, Simon Mukwembi, Tomáš Vetrík (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The Gutman index and the edge-Wiener index have been extensively investigated particularly in the last decade. An important stream of re- search on graph indices is to bound indices in terms of the order and other parameters of given graph. In this paper we present asymptotically sharp upper bounds on the Gutman index and the edge-Wiener index for graphs of given order and vertex-connectivity κ, where κ is a constant. Our results substantially generalize and extend known results in the area.

The Least Eigenvalue of Graphs whose Complements Are Uni- cyclic

Yi Wang, Yi-Zheng Fan, Xiao-Xin Li, Fei-Fei Zhang (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A graph in a certain graph class is called minimizing if the least eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix attains the minimum among all graphs in that class. Bell et al. have identified a subclass within the connected graphs of order n and size m in which minimizing graphs belong (the complements of such graphs are either disconnected or contain a clique of size n/2 ). In this paper we discuss the minimizing graphs of a special class of graphs of order n whose complements are connected and contains...

The local metric dimension of a graph

Futaba Okamoto, Bryan Phinezy, Ping Zhang (2010)

Mathematica Bohemica

For an ordered set W = { w 1 , w 2 , ... , w k } of k distinct vertices in a nontrivial connected graph G , the metric code of a vertex v of G with respect to W is the k -vector code ( v ) = ( d ( v , w 1 ) , d ( v , w 2 ) , , d ( v , w k ) ) where d ( v , w i ) is the distance between v and w i for 1 i k . The set W is a local metric set of G if code ( u ) code ( v ) for every pair u , v of adjacent vertices of G . The minimum positive integer k for which G has a local metric k -set is the local metric dimension lmd ( G ) of G . A local metric set of G of cardinality lmd ( G ) is a local metric basis of G . We characterize all nontrivial connected...

The prime ideals intersection graph of a ring

M. J. Nikmehr, B. Soleymanzadeh (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let R be a commutative ring with unity and U ( R ) be the set of unit elements of R . In this paper, we introduce and investigate some properties of a new kind of graph on the ring R , namely, the prime ideals intersection graph of R , denoted by G p ( R ) . The G p ( R ) is a graph with vertex set R * - U ( R ) and two distinct vertices a and b are adjacent if and only if there exists a prime ideal 𝔭 of R such that a , b 𝔭 . We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions on R such that G p ( R ) is disconnected. We find the diameter and girth of G p ( R ) ....

The Vertex-Rainbow Index of A Graph

Yaping Mao (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The k-rainbow index rxk(G) of a connected graph G was introduced by Chartrand, Okamoto and Zhang in 2010. As a natural counterpart of the k-rainbow index, we introduce the concept of k-vertex-rainbow index rvxk(G) in this paper. In this paper, sharp upper and lower bounds of rvxk(G) are given for a connected graph G of order n, that is, 0 ≤ rvxk(G) ≤ n − 2. We obtain Nordhaus-Gaddum results for 3-vertex-rainbow index of a graph G of order n, and show that rvx3(G) + rvx3(Ḡ) = 4 for n = 4 and 2 ≤...

The Wiener, Eccentric Connectivity and Zagreb Indices of the Hierarchical Product of Graphs

Hossein-Zadeh, S., Hamzeh, A., Ashrafi, A. (2012)

Serdica Journal of Computing

Let G1 = (V1, E1) and G2 = (V2, E2) be two graphs having a distinguished or root vertex, labeled 0. The hierarchical product G2 ⊓ G1 of G2 and G1 is a graph with vertex set V2 × V1. Two vertices y2y1 and x2x1 are adjacent if and only if y1x1 ∈ E1 and y2 = x2; or y2x2 ∈ E2 and y1 = x1 = 0. In this paper, the Wiener, eccentric connectivity and Zagreb indices of this new operation of graphs are computed. As an application, these topological indices for a class of alkanes are computed. ACM Computing...

Vertex rainbow colorings of graphs

Futaba Fujie-Okamoto, Kyle Kolasinski, Jianwei Lin, Ping Zhang (2012)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In a properly vertex-colored graph G, a path P is a rainbow path if no two vertices of P have the same color, except possibly the two end-vertices of P. If every two vertices of G are connected by a rainbow path, then G is vertex rainbow-connected. A proper vertex coloring of a connected graph G that results in a vertex rainbow-connected graph is a vertex rainbow coloring of G. The minimum number of colors needed in a vertex rainbow coloring of G is the vertex rainbow connection number vrc(G) of...

Weakly connected domination subdivision numbers

Joanna Raczek (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A set D of vertices in a graph G = (V,E) is a weakly connected dominating set of G if D is dominating in G and the subgraph weakly induced by D is connected. The weakly connected domination number of G is the minimum cardinality of a weakly connected dominating set of G. The weakly connected domination subdivision number of a connected graph G is the minimum number of edges that must be subdivided (where each egde can be subdivided at most once) in order to increase the weakly connected domination...

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