Displaying 21 – 40 of 55

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A simple linear algorithm for the connected domination problem in circular-arc graphs

Ruo-Wei Hung, Maw-Shang Chang (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A connected dominating set of a graph G = (V,E) is a subset of vertices CD ⊆ V such that every vertex not in CD is adjacent to at least one vertex in CD, and the subgraph induced by CD is connected. We show that, given an arc family F with endpoints sorted, a minimum-cardinality connected dominating set of the circular-arc graph constructed from F can be computed in O(|F|) time.

A sparse dynamic programming algorithm for alignment with non-overlapping inversions

Alair Pereira Do Lago, Ilya Muchnik, Casimir Kulikowski (2005)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Alignment of sequences is widely used for biological sequence comparisons, and only biological events like mutations, insertions and deletions are considered. Other biological events like inversions are not automatically detected by the usual alignment algorithms, thus some alternative approaches have been tried in order to include inversions or other kinds of rearrangements. Despite many important results in the last decade, the complexity of the problem of alignment with inversions is still unknown....

A sparse dynamic programming algorithm for alignment with non-overlapping inversions

Alair Pereira do Lago, Ilya Muchnik, Casimir Kulikowski (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Alignment of sequences is widely used for biological sequence comparisons, and only biological events like mutations, insertions and deletions are considered. Other biological events like inversions are not automatically detected by the usual alignment algorithms, thus some alternative approaches have been tried in order to include inversions or other kinds of rearrangements. Despite many important results in the last decade, the complexity of the problem of alignment with inversions is...

A survey on combinatorial optimization in dynamic environments∗

Nicolas Boria, Vangelis T. Paschos (2011)

RAIRO - Operations Research

This survey presents major results and issues related to the study of NPO problems in dynamic environments, that is, in settings where instances are allowed to undergo some modifications over time. In particular, the survey focuses on two complementary frameworks. The first one is the reoptimization framework, where an instance I that is already solved undergoes some local perturbation. The goal is then to make use of the information provided by the initial solution to compute a new solution. The...

A survey on combinatorial optimization in dynamic environments∗

Nicolas Boria, Vangelis T. Paschos (2011)

RAIRO - Operations Research

This survey presents major results and issues related to the study of NPO problems in dynamic environments, that is, in settings where instances are allowed to undergo some modifications over time. In particular, the survey focuses on two complementary frameworks. The first one is the reoptimization framework, where an instance I that is already solved undergoes some local perturbation. The goal is then to make use of the information provided by the initial solution to compute a new solution. The...

Algebraic tools for the construction of colored flows with boundary constraints

Marius Dorkenoo, Marie-Christine Eglin-Leclerc, Eric Rémila (2004)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We give a linear time algorithm which, given a simply connected figure of the plane divided into cells, whose boundary is crossed by some colored inputs and outputs, produces non-intersecting directed flow lines which match inputs and outputs according to the colors, in such a way that each edge of any cell is crossed by at most one line. The main tool is the notion of height function, previously introduced for tilings. It appears as an extension of the notion of potential of a flow in a planar...

Algebraic tools for the construction of colored flows with boundary constraints

Marius Dorkenoo, Marie-Christine Eglin-Leclerc, Eric Rémila (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We give a linear time algorithm which, given a simply connected figure of the plane divided into cells, whose boundary is crossed by some colored inputs and outputs, produces non-intersecting directed flow lines which match inputs and outputs according to the colors, in such a way that each edge of any cell is crossed by at most one line. The main tool is the notion of height function, previously introduced for tilings. It appears as an extension of the notion of potential of a flow in...

Algorithmic aspects of total-subdomination in graphs

Laura M. Harris, Johannes H. Hattingh, Michael A. Henning (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let G = (V,E) be a graph and let k ∈ Z⁺. A total k-subdominating function is a function f: V → {-1,1} such that for at least k vertices v of G, the sum of the function values of f in the open neighborhood of v is positive. The total k-subdomination number of G is the minimum value of f(V) over all total k-subdominating functions f of G where f(V) denotes the sum of the function values assigned to the vertices under f. In this paper, we present a cubic time algorithm to compute the total k-subdomination...

Algorithms for Finding Unitals and Maximal Arcs in Projective Planes of Order 16

Stoichev, Stoicho (2007)

Serdica Journal of Computing

The paper has been presented at the International Conference Pioneers of Bulgarian Mathematics, Dedicated to Nikola Obreshkoff and Lubomir Tschakalo ff , Sofia, July, 2006.Two heuristic algorithms (M65 and M52) for finding respectively unitals and maximal arcs in projective planes of order 16 are described. The exact algorithms based on exhaustive search are impractical because of the combinatorial explosion (huge number of combinations to be checked). Algorithms M65 and M52 use unions of orbits...

Algorithms for recognizing bipartite-Helly and bipartite-conformal hypergraphs*, **

Marina Groshaus, Jayme Luis Szwarcfiter (2011)

RAIRO - Operations Research

A hypergraph is Helly if every family of hyperedges of it, formed by pairwise intersecting hyperedges, has a common vertex. We consider the concepts of bipartite-conformal and (colored) bipartite-Helly hypergraphs. In the same way as conformal hypergraphs and Helly hypergraphs are dual concepts, bipartite-conformal and bipartite-Helly hypergraphs are also dual. They are useful for characterizing biclique matrices and biclique graphs, that is, the...

Algorithms for recognizing bipartite-Helly and bipartite-conformal hypergraphs*, **

Marina Groshaus, Jayme Luis Szwarcfiter (2011)

RAIRO - Operations Research

A hypergraph is Helly if every family of hyperedges of it, formed by pairwise intersecting hyperedges, has a common vertex. We consider the concepts of bipartite-conformal and (colored) bipartite-Helly hypergraphs. In the same way as conformal hypergraphs and Helly hypergraphs are dual concepts, bipartite-conformal and bipartite-Helly hypergraphs are also dual. They are useful for characterizing biclique matrices and biclique graphs, that is, the...

Algorithms for the two dimensional bin packing problem with partial conflicts

Khaoula Hamdi-Dhaoui, Nacima Labadie, Alice Yalaoui (2012)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The two-dimensional bin packing problem is a well-known problem for which several exact and approximation methods were proposed. In real life applications, such as in Hazardous Material transportation, transported items may be partially incompatible, and have to be separated by a safety distance. This complication has not yet been considered in the literature. This paper introduces this extension called the two-dimensional bin packing problem with partial conflicts (2BPPC) which is a 2BP with distance...

Algorithms for the two dimensional bin packing problem with partial conflicts

Khaoula Hamdi-Dhaoui, Nacima Labadie, Alice Yalaoui (2012)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The two-dimensional bin packing problem is a well-known problem for which several exact and approximation methods were proposed. In real life applications, such as in Hazardous Material transportation, transported items may be partially incompatible, and have to be separated by a safety distance. This complication has not yet been considered in the literature. This paper introduces this extension called the two-dimensional bin packing problem with partial conflicts (2BPPC) which is a 2BP with distance...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 55