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The Tate pairing for Abelian varieties over finite fields

Peter Bruin (2011)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

In this expository note, we describe an arithmetic pairing associated to an isogeny between Abelian varieties over a finite field. We show that it generalises the Frey–Rück pairing, thereby giving a short proof of the perfectness of the latter.

Trivial points on towers of curves

Xavier Xarles (2013)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

In order to study the behavior of the points in a tower of curves, we introduce and study trivial points on towers of curves, and we discuss their finiteness over number fields. We relate the problem of proving that the only rational points are the trivial ones at some level of the tower, to the unboundeness of the gonality of the curves in the tower, which we show under some hypothesis.

Volcanoes of l-isogenies of elliptic curves over finite fields: The case l=3.

Josep M. Miret Biosca, Daniel Sadornil Renedo, Juan Tena Ayuso, Rosana Tomàs, Magda Valls Marsal (2007)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

This paper is devoted to the study of the volcanoes of ℓ-isogenies of elliptic curves over a finite field, focusing on their height as well as on the location of curves across its different levels. The core of the paper lies on the relationship between the ℓ-Sylow subgroup of an elliptic curve and the level of the volcano where it is placed. The particular case ℓ = 3 is studied in detail, giving an algorithm to determine the volcano of 3-isogenies of a given elliptic curve. Experimental results...

Which weakly ramified group actions admit a universal formal deformation?

Jakub Byszewski, Gunther Cornelissen (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Consider a representation of a finite group G as automorphisms of a power series ring k [ [ t ] ] over a perfect field k of positive characteristic. Let D be the associated formal mixed-characteristic deformation functor. Assume that the action of G is weakly ramified, i.e., the second ramification group is trivial. Example: for a group action on an ordinary curve, the action of a ramification group on the completed local ring of any point is weakly ramified.We prove that the only such D that are not pro-representable...

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