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Minoration de la hauteur normalisée des hypersurfaces

Francesco Amoroso, Sinnou David (2000)

Acta Arithmetica

1. Introduction. Dans un article célèbre, D. H. Lehmer posait la question suivante (voir [Le], §13, page 476): «The following problem arises immediately. If ε is a positive quantity, to find a polynomial of the form: f ( x ) = x r + a 1 x r - 1 + + a r where the a’s are integers, such that the absolute value of the product of those roots of f which lie outside the unit circle, lies between 1 and 1 + ε (...). Whether or not the problem has a solution for ε < 0.176 we do not know.» Cette question, toujours ouverte, est la source...

Multiplicity estimate for solutions of extended Ramanujan’s system

Evgeniy Zorin (2012)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We establish a new multiplicity lemma for solutions of a differential system extending Ramanujan’s classical differential relations. This result can be useful in the study of arithmetic properties of values of Riemann zeta function at odd positive integers (Nesterenko, 2011).

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