Displaying 101 – 120 of 175

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On the maximal run-length function in the Lüroth expansion

Yu Sun, Jian Xu (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We obtain a metrical property on the asymptotic behaviour of the maximal run-length function in the Lüroth expansion. We also determine the Hausdorff dimension of a class of exceptional sets of points whose maximal run-length function has sub-linear growth rate.

Piecewise convex transformations with no finite invariant measure

Tomasz Komorowski (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

 Abstract. The paper concerns the problem of the existence of a finite invariant absolutely continuous measure for piecewise C 2 -regular and convex transformations T: [0, l]→[0,1]. We show that in the case when T’(0) = 1 and T"(0) exists T does not admit such a measure. This result is complementary to the ones contained in [3] and [5].

Propriétés arithmétiques et dynamiques du fractal de Rauzy

Ali Messaoudi (1998)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Dans ce travail, nous construisons explicitement deux isomorphismes métriques partout continus. L’un entre le système dynamique symbolique associé à la substitution σ : 0 01 , 1 02 , 2 0 et une rotation sur le tore 𝕋 2 ; l’autre, entre le système adique stationnaire [33] associé à la matrice de la substitution et la même rotation. Pour cela, nous étudions les propriétés arithmétiques de la frontière d’un ensemble compact de appelé “fractal de Rauzy”. Les constructions se généralisent aux substitutions de la forme σ k : 0 01 , 1 02 , k - 1 0 k , k 0 ...

Remarks on Steinhaus’ property and ratio sets of sets of positive integers

Tibor Šalát (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This paper is closely related to an earlier paper of the author and W. Narkiewicz (cf. [7]) and to some papers concerning ratio sets of positive integers (cf. [4], [5], [12], [13], [14]). The paper contains some new results completing results of the mentioned papers. Among other things a characterization of the Steinhaus property of sets of positive integers is given here by using the concept of ratio sets of positive integers.

Représentation des entiers naturels et suites uniformément équiréparties

Jean Coquet (1982)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

s ( n ) désigne la somme des chiffres de l’entier n en base q et σ α ( n ) la somme des chiffres de n associée au développement de α en fraction continue. Dans un article paru aux Annales de l’Institut Fourier (31 (1981), 1–15), Coquet, Rhin et Toffin montrent que, lorsque x ou y est irrationnel, la suite x s + y σ α est équirépartie modulo 1. On précise ici que l’équirépartition est uniforme.

Run-length function of the Bolyai-Rényi expansion of real numbers

Rao Li, Fan Lü, Li Zhou (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

By iterating the Bolyai-Rényi transformation T ( x ) = ( x + 1 ) 2 ( mod 1 ) , almost every real number x [ 0 , 1 ) can be expanded as a continued radical expression x = - 1 + x 1 + x 2 + + x n + with digits x n { 0 , 1 , 2 } for all n . For any real number x [ 0 , 1 ) and digit i { 0 , 1 , 2 } , let r n ( x , i ) be the maximal length of consecutive i ’s in the first n digits of the Bolyai-Rényi expansion of x . We study the asymptotic behavior of the run-length function r n ( x , i ) . We prove that for any digit i { 0 , 1 , 2 } , the Lebesgue measure of the set D ( i ) = x [ 0 , 1 ) : lim n r n ( x , i ) log n = 1 log θ i is 1 , where θ i = 1 + 4 i + 1 . We also obtain that the level set E α ( i ) = x [ 0 , 1 ) : lim n r n ( x , i ) log n = α is of full Hausdorff dimension...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 175