Displaying 201 – 220 of 288

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PSL ( 2 , 7 ) septimic fields with a power basis

Melisa J. Lavallee, Blair K. Spearman, Qiduan Yang (2012)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We give an infinite set of distinct monogenic septimic fields whose normal closure has Galois group P S L ( 2 , 7 ) .

Relative Bogomolov extensions

Robert Grizzard (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

A subfield K ⊆ ℚ̅ has the Bogomolov property if there exists a positive ε such that no non-torsion point of K × has absolute logarithmic height below ε. We define a relative extension L/K to be Bogomolov if this holds for points of L × K × . We construct various examples of extensions which are and are not Bogomolov. We prove a ramification criterion for this property, and use it to show that such extensions can always be constructed if some rational prime has bounded ramification index in K.

Roots of unity in definite quaternion orders

Luis Arenas-Carmona (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

A commutative order in a quaternion algebra is called selective if it embeds into some, but not all, of the maximal orders in the algebra. It is known that a given quadratic order over a number field can be selective in at most one indefinite quaternion algebra. Here we prove that the order generated by a cubic root of unity is selective for any definite quaternion algebra over the rationals with type number 3 or larger. The proof extends to a few other closely related orders.

Sequences of algebraic integers and density modulo  1

Roman Urban (2007)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We prove density modulo 1 of the sets of the form { μ m λ n ξ + r m : n , m } , where λ , μ is a pair of rationally independent algebraic integers of degree d 2 , satisfying some additional assumptions, ξ 0 , and r m is any sequence of real numbers.

Solution des problèmes de Favard

Michel Langevin (1988)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Pour tout c < 2 , on calcule un rang D ( c ) tel que tout entier algébrique x de degré au moins D ( c ) ait deux conjugués x ' , x ' ' vérifiant | x ' - x ' ' | c . De plus, on donne une nouvelle preuve de l’égalité D ( 3 ) = 2 .

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 288