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Tame Automorphisms of ℂ³ with Multidegree of the Form (p₁,p₂,d₃)

Marek Karaś (2011)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Let d₃ ≥ p₂ > p₁ ≥ 3 be integers such that p₁,p₂ are prime numbers. We show that the sequence (p₁,p₂,d₃) is the multidegree of some tame automorphism of ℂ³ if and only if d₃ ∈ p₁ℕ + p₂ℕ, i.e. if and only if d₃ is a linear combination of p₁ and p₂ with coefficients in ℕ.

Tame semiflows for piecewise linear vector fields

Daniel Panazzolo (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let be a disjoint decomposition of n and let X be a vector field on n , defined to be linear on each cell of the decomposition . Under some natural assumptions, we show how to associate a semiflow to X and prove that such semiflow belongs to the o-minimal structure an , exp . In particular, when X is a continuous vector field and Γ is an invariant subset of X , our result implies that if Γ is non-spiralling then the Poincaré first return map associated Γ is also in an , exp .

Tame stacks in positive characteristic

Dan Abramovich, Martin Olsson, Angelo Vistoli (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We introduce and study a class of algebraic stacks with finite inertia in positive and mixed characteristic, which we call tame algebraic stacks. They include tame Deligne-Mumford stacks, and are arguably better behaved than general Deligne-Mumford stacks. We also give a complete characterization of finite flat linearly reductive schemes over an arbitrary base. Our main result is that tame algebraic stacks are étale locally quotient by actions of linearly reductive finite group schemes.

Tangent star cones.

A. Simis, B. Ulrich, W.V. Vasconcelos (1997)

Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik

Tangentes limites, cône de Whitney et régularité par intersection

Patrice Orro (1990)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous caractérisons, en terme de dimension (topologique et de Hausdorff) des fibres des espaces de limites de tangents et du cône de Whitney, les conditions de régularité b cod q et b * sur une stratification C 1 . Nous précisons ces résultats lorsque les espaces qui interviennent ne sont pas fractals, en particulier lorsque la stratification est sous-analytique.

Tangential Markov inequality in L p norms

Agnieszka Kowalska (2015)

Banach Center Publications

In 1889 A. Markov proved that for every polynomial p in one variable the inequality | | p ' | | [ - 1 , 1 ] ( d e g p ) ² | | p | | [ - 1 , 1 ] is true. Moreover, the exponent 2 in this inequality is the best possible one. A tangential Markov inequality is a generalization of the Markov inequality to tangential derivatives of certain sets in higher-dimensional Euclidean spaces. We give some motivational examples of sets that admit the tangential Markov inequality with the sharp exponent. The main theorems show that the results on certain arcs and surfaces,...

Tautological relations and the r -spin Witten conjecture

Carel Faber, Sergey Shadrin, Dimitri Zvonkine (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

In [11], A. Givental introduced a group action on the space of Gromov–Witten potentials and proved its transitivity on the semi-simple potentials. In [24, 25], Y.-P. Lee showed, modulo certain results announced by C. Teleman, that this action respects the tautological relations in the cohomology ring of the moduli space ¯ g , n of stable pointed curves. Here we give a simpler proof of this result. In particular, it implies that in any semi-simple Gromov–Witten theory where arbitrary correlators can be...

Taylorian points of an algebraic curve and bivariate Hermite interpolation

Len Bos, Jean-Paul Calvi (2008)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We introduce and study the notion of Taylorian points of algebraic curves in 2 , which enables us to define intrinsic Taylor interpolation polynomials on curves. These polynomials in turn lead to the construction of a well-behaved Hermitian scheme on curves, of which we give several examples. We show that such Hermitian schemes can be collected to obtain Hermitian bivariate polynomial interpolation schemes.

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