Displaying 981 – 1000 of 3959

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Finiteness of the strong global dimension of radical square zero algebras

Otto Kerner, Andrzej Skowroński, Kunio Yamagata, Dan Zacharia (2004)

Open Mathematics

The strong global dimension of a finite dimensional algebra A is the maximum of the width of indecomposable bounded differential complexes of finite dimensional projective A-modules. We prove that the strong global dimension of a finite dimensional radical square zero algebra A over an algebraically closed field is finite if and only if A is piecewise hereditary. Moreover, we discuss results concerning the finiteness of the strong global dimension of algebras and the related problem on the density...

First order calculi with values in right-universal bimodules

Andrzej Borowiec, Vladislav Kharchenko, Zbigniew Oziewicz (1997)

Banach Center Publications

The purpose of this note is to show how calculi on unital associative algebra with universal right bimodule generalize previously studied constructions by Pusz and Woronowicz [1989] and by Wess and Zumino [1990] and that in this language results are in a natural context, are easier to describe and handle. As a by-product we obtain intrinsic, coordinate-free and basis-independent generalization of the first order noncommutative differential calculi with partial derivatives.

Flat semimodules.

Al-Thani, Huda Mohammed J. (2004)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

Foncteurs de division et structure de I 2 Λ n dans la catégorie

Aurélien Djament (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Nous démontrons que dans la catégorie des foncteurs entre espaces vectoriels sur 𝔽 2 , le produit tensoriel entre le second foncteur injectif standard non constant V 𝔽 2 ( V * ) 2 et un foncteur puissance extérieure est artinien. Seul était antérieurement connu le caractère artinien de cet injectif ; notre résultat constitue une étape pour l’étude du troisième foncteur injectif standard non constant de  .Nous utilisons le foncteur de division par le foncteur identité et des considérations issues de la théorie...

Formality theorems: from associators to a global formulation

Gilles Halbout (2006)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Let M be a differential manifold. Let Φ be a Drinfeld associator. In this paper we explain how to construct a global formality morphism starting from Φ . More precisely, following Tamarkin’s proof, we construct a Lie homomorphism “up to homotopy" between the Lie algebra of Hochschild cochains on C ( M ) and its cohomology ( Γ ( M , Λ T M ) , [ - , - ] S ). This paper is an extended version of a course given 8 - 12 March 2004 on Tamarkin’s works. The reader will find explicit examples, recollections on G -structures, explanation of the...

Formules explicites pour le caractère de Chern en K -théorie algébrique

Grégory Ginot (2004)

Annales de l'Institut Fourier

Dans cet article on donne une formule explicite pour le caractère de Chern reliant la K - théorie algébrique et l’homologie cyclique négative. On calcule le caractère de Chern des symboles de Steinberg et de Loday et on donne une preuve élémentaire du fait que le caractère de Chern est multiplicatif.

F-quasigroups and generalized modules

Tomáš Kepka, Michael K. Kinyon, Jon D. Phillips (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In Kepka T., Kinyon M.K., Phillips J.D., The structure of F-quasigroups, J. Algebra 317 (2007), 435–461, we showed that every F-quasigroup is linear over a special kind of Moufang loop called an NK-loop. Here we extend this relationship by showing an equivalence between the class of (pointed) F-quasigroups and the class corresponding to a certain notion of generalized module (with noncommutative, nonassociative addition) for an associative ring.

F-quasigroups isotopic to groups

Tomáš Kepka, Michael K. Kinyon, Jon D. Phillips (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In Kepka T., Kinyon M.K., Phillips J.D., The structure of F-quasigroups, math.GR/0510298, we showed that every loop isotopic to an F-quasigroup is a Moufang loop. Here we characterize, via two simple identities, the class of F-quasigroups which are isotopic to groups. We call these quasigroups FG-quasigroups. We show that FG-quasigroups are linear over groups. We then use this fact to describe their structure. This gives us, for instance, a complete description of the simple FG-quasigroups. Finally,...

Currently displaying 981 – 1000 of 3959