Displaying 1601 – 1620 of 3959

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New characterizations of von Neumann regular rings and a conjecture of Shamsuddin.

Carl Faith (1996)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

A theorem of Utumi states that if R is a right self-injective ring such that every maximal ideal has nonzero annihilator, then R modulo the Jacobson radical J is a finite product of simple rings and is a von Neuman regular ring. We prove two theorems and a conjecture of Shamsuddin that characterize when R itself is a von Neumann ring, using a splitting theorem of the author on when the maximal regular ideal of a ring splits off.

Nil-clean and unit-regular elements in certain subrings of 𝕄 2 ( )

Yansheng Wu, Gaohua Tang, Guixin Deng, Yiqiang Zhou (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

An element in a ring is clean (or, unit-regular) if it is the sum (or, the product) of an idempotent and a unit, and is nil-clean if it is the sum of an idempotent and a nilpotent. Firstly, we show that Jacobson’s lemma does not hold for nil-clean elements in a ring, answering a question posed by Koşan, Wang and Zhou (2016). Secondly, we present new counter-examples to Diesl’s question whether a nil-clean element is clean in a ring. Lastly, we give new examples of unit-regular elements that are...

Nil-extensions of completely simple semirings

Sunil K. Maity, Rituparna Ghosh (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

A semiring S is said to be a quasi completely regular semiring if for any a ∈ S there exists a positive integer n such that na is completely regular. The present paper is devoted to the study of completely Archimedean semirings. We show that a semiring S is a completely Archimedean semiring if and only if it is a nil-extension of a completely simple semiring. This result extends the crucial structure theorem of completely Archimedean semigroup.

Currently displaying 1601 – 1620 of 3959