Displaying 121 – 140 of 284

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Noncommutative 3-sphere as an example of noncommutative contact algebras

Hideki Omori, Naoya Miyazaki, Akira Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Maeda (1997)

Banach Center Publications

The notion of deformation quantization was introduced by F.Bayen, M.Flato et al. in [1]. The basic idea is to formally deform the pointwise commutative multiplication in the space of smooth functions C ( M ) on a symplectic manifold M to a noncommutative associative multiplication, whose first order commutator is proportional to the Poisson bracket. It is of interest to compute this quantization for naturally occuring cases. In this paper, we discuss deformations of contact algebras and give a definition...

On a cubic Hecke algebra associated with the quantum group U q ( 2 )

Janusz Wysoczański (2010)

Banach Center Publications

We define an operator α on ℂ³ ⊗ ℂ³ associated with the quantum group U q ( 2 ) , which satisfies the Yang-Baxter equation and a cubic equation (α² - 1)(α + q²) = 0. This operator can be extended to a family of operators h j : = I j α I n - 2 - j on ( ³ ) n with 0 ≤ j ≤ n - 2. These operators generate the cubic Hecke algebra q , n ( 2 ) associated with the quantum group U q ( 2 ) . The purpose of this note is to present the construction.

On Lie algebras in braided categories

Bodo Pareigis (1997)

Banach Center Publications

The category of group-graded modules over an abelian group G is a monoidal category. For any bicharacter of G this category becomes a braided monoidal category. We define the notion of a Lie algebra in this category generalizing the concepts of Lie super and Lie color algebras. Our Lie algebras have n -ary multiplications between various graded components. They possess universal enveloping algebras that are Hopf algebras in the given category. Their biproducts with the group ring are noncommutative...

On quantum weyl algebras and generalized quons

WŁadysŁaw Marcinek (1997)

Banach Center Publications

The model of generalized quons is described in an algebraic way as certain quasiparticle states with statistics determined by a commutation factor on an abelian group. Quantization is described in terms of quantum Weyl algebras. The corresponding commutation relations and scalar product are also given.

On representation theory of quantum S L q ( 2 ) groups at roots of unity

Piotr Kondratowicz, Piotr Podleś (1997)

Banach Center Publications

Irreducible representations of quantum groups S L q ( 2 ) (in Woronowicz’ approach) were classified in J.Wang, B.Parshall, Memoirs AMS 439 in the case of q being an odd root of unity. Here we find the irreducible representations for all roots of unity (also of an even degree), as well as describe “the diagonal part” of the tensor product of any two irreducible representations. An example of a not completely reducible representation is given. Non-existence of Haar functional is proved. The corresponding representations...

On *-representations of U q ( s l ( 2 ) ) : more real forms

Eduard Vaysleb (1997)

Banach Center Publications

The main goal of this paper is to do the representation-theoretic groundwork for two new candidates for locally compact (nondiscrete) quantum groups. These objects are real forms of the quantized universal enveloping algebra U q ( s l ( 2 ) ) and do not have real Lie algebras as classical limits. Surprisingly, their representations are naturally described using only bounded (in one case only two-dimensional) operators. That removes the problem of describing their Hopf structure ’on the Hilbert space level’([W])....

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 284