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Fixed points of meromorphic functions and of their differences and shifts

Zong-Xuan Chen (2013)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let f(z) be a finite order transcendental meromorphic function such that λ(1/f(z)) < σ(f(z)), and let c ∈ ℂ∖0 be a constant such that f(z+c) ≢ f(z) + c. We mainly prove that m a x τ ( f ( z ) ) , τ ( Δ c f ( z ) ) = m a x τ ( f ( z ) ) , τ ( f ( z + c ) ) = m a x τ ( Δ c f ( z ) ) , τ ( f ( z + c ) ) = σ ( f ( z ) ) , where τ(g(z)) denotes the exponent of convergence of fixed points of the meromorphic function g(z), and σ(g(z)) denotes the order of growth of g(z).

Flows of Mellin transforms with periodic integrator

Titus Hilberdink (2011)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We study Mellin transforms N ^ ( s ) = 1 - x - s d N ( x ) for which N ( x ) - x is periodic with period 1 in order to investigate ‘flows’ of such functions to Riemann’s ζ ( s ) and the possibility of proving the Riemann Hypothesis with such an approach. We show that, excepting the trivial case where N ( x ) = x , the supremum of the real parts of the zeros of any such function is at least 1 2 .We investigate a particular flow of such functions { N λ ^ } λ 1 which converges locally uniformly to ζ ( s ) as λ 1 , and show that they exhibit features similar to ζ ( s ) . For example, N λ ^ ( s ) ...

Foliations on the complex projective plane with many parabolic leaves

Marco Brunella (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We prove that a foliation on C P 2 with hyperbolic singularities and with “many" parabolic leaves (i.e. leaves without Green functions) is in fact a linear foliation. This is done in two steps: first we prove that there exists an algebraic leaf, using the technique of harmonic measures, then we show that the holonomy of this leaf is linearizable, from which the result follows easily.

Fonctions entières à valeurs dans un corps de nombres

Mohammed Ably (2011)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Soit Γ un sous-groupe de rang maximal d’un corps de nombres 𝐤 . On montre qu’une fonction entière, envoyant Γ dans l’anneau des entiers d’une extension finie de 𝐤 , de croissance analytique et arithmétique faibles est un polynôme. Ce résultat étend un théorème bien connu de Pólya. On montre également que ce résultat est à constante près optimal.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 123