Displaying 121 – 140 of 160

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Invariant subspaces on open Riemann surfaces. II

Morisuke Hasumi (1976)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We considerably improve our earlier results [Ann. Inst. Fourier, 24-4 (1974] concerning Cauchy-Read’s theorems, convergence of Green lines, and the structure of invariant subspaces for a class of hyperbolic Riemann surfaces.

Invariants of translation surfaces

Pascal Hubert, Thomas A. Schmidt (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We definite invariants of translation surfaces which refine Veech groups. These aid in exact determination of Veech groups. We give examples where two surfaces of isomorphic Veech group cannot even share a common tree of balanced affine coverings. We also show that there exist translation surfaces of isomorphic Veech groups which cannot affinely cover any common surface. We also extend a result of Gutkin and Judge and thereby give the first examples of noncompact Fuchsian...

Inverse Limit Spaces Satisfying a Poincaré Inequality

Jeff Cheeger, Bruce Kleiner (2015)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

We give conditions on Gromov-Hausdorff convergent inverse systems of metric measure graphs which imply that the measured Gromov-Hausdorff limit (equivalently, the inverse limit) is a PI space i.e., it satisfies a doubling condition and a Poincaré inequality in the sense of Heinonen-Koskela [12]. The Poincaré inequality is actually of type (1, 1). We also give a systematic construction of examples for which our conditions are satisfied. Included are known examples of PI spaces, such as Laakso spaces,...

Invertible and normal composition operators on the Hilbert Hardy space of a half–plane

Valentin Matache (2016)

Concrete Operators

Operators on function spaces of form Cɸf = f ∘ ɸ, where ɸ is a fixed map are called composition operators with symbol ɸ. We study such operators acting on the Hilbert Hardy space over the right half-plane and characterize the situations when they are invertible, Fredholm, unitary, and Hermitian. We determine the normal composition operators with inner, respectively with Möbius symbol. In select cases, we calculate their spectra, essential spectra, and numerical ranges.

Invertible Carnot Groups

David M. Freeman (2014)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

We characterize Carnot groups admitting a 1-quasiconformal metric inversion as the Lie groups of Heisenberg type whose Lie algebras satisfy the J2-condition, thus characterizing a special case of inversion invariant bi-Lipschitz homogeneity. A more general characterization of inversion invariant bi-Lipschitz homogeneity for certain non-fractal metric spaces is also provided.

Invertible harmonic mappings beyond the Kneser theorem and quasiconformal harmonic mappings

David Kalaj (2011)

Studia Mathematica

We extend the Rado-Choquet-Kneser theorem to mappings with Lipschitz boundary data and essentially positive Jacobian at the boundary without restriction on the convexity of image domain. The proof is based on a recent extension of the Rado-Choquet-Kneser theorem by Alessandrini and Nesi and it uses an approximation scheme. Some applications to families of quasiconformal harmonic mappings between Jordan domains are given.

Investigations on unique range sets of meromorphic functions in an angular domain

Sayantan Maity, Abhijit Banerjee (2023)

Mathematica Bohemica

We study unique range sets of meromorphic functions over an angular domain in the light of weighted sharing. One of our main results generalizes and improves a result of Xu et al. (2014). Most importantly, we have pointed out a gap in the proofs of some main results of Rathod (2021) and subsequently rectifying the gap we have conveniently improved the results.

Isometries of some F-algebras of holomorphic functions on the upper half plane

Yasuo Iida, Kei Takahashi (2013)

Open Mathematics

Linear isometries of N p(D) onto N p(D) are described, where N p(D), p > 1, is the set of all holomorphic functions f on the upper half plane D = {z ∈ ℂ: Im z > 0} such that supy>0 ∫ℝ lnp (1 + |(x + iy)|) dx < +∞. Our result is an improvement of the results by D.A. Efimov.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 160