Displaying 121 – 140 of 366

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The fixed points and iterated order of some differential polynomials

Benharrat Belaidi (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

This paper is devoted to considering the iterated order and the fixed points of some differential polynomials generated by solutions of the differential equation f ' ' + A 1 ( z ) f ' + A 0 ( z ) f = F , where A 1 ( z ) , A 0 ( z ) ( ¬ 0 ) ...

The full automorphism group of the Kulkarni surface.

Peter Turbek (1997)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

The full automorphism group of the Kulkarni surface is explicitly determined. It is employed to give three defining equations of the Kulkarni surface; each equation exhibits a symmetry of the surface as complex conjugation.

The "Full Clarkson-Erdős-Schwartz Theorem" on the closure of non-dense Müntz spaces

Tamás Erdélyi (2003)

Studia Mathematica

Denote by spanf₁,f₂,... the collection of all finite linear combinations of the functions f₁,f₂,... over ℝ. The principal result of the paper is the following. Theorem (Full Clarkson-Erdős-Schwartz Theorem). Suppose ( λ j ) j = 1 is a sequence of distinct positive numbers. Then s p a n 1 , x λ , x λ , . . . is dense in C[0,1] if and only if j = 1 ( λ j ) / ( λ j ² + 1 ) = . Moreover, if j = 1 ( λ j ) / ( λ j ² + 1 ) < , then every function from the C[0,1] closure of s p a n 1 , x λ , x λ , . . . can be represented as an analytic function on z ∈ ℂ ∖ (-∞, 0]: |z| < 1 restricted to (0,1). This result improves an earlier result...

The general complex case of the Bernstein-Nachbin approximation problem

S. Machado, Joao Bosco Prolla (1978)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We present a solution to the (strict) Bernstein-Nachbin approximation problem in the general complex case. As a corollary, we get proofs of the analytic, the quasi-analytic, and the bounded criteria for localizability in the general complex case. This generalizes the known results of the real or self-adjoint complex cases, in the same way that Bishop’s Theorem generalizes the Weierstrass-Stone Theorem. However, even in the real or self-adjoint complex cases, the results that we obtain are stronger...

The generalized Laguerre inequalities and functions in the Laguerre-Pólya class

George Csordas, Anna Vishnyakova (2013)

Open Mathematics

The principal goal of this paper is to show that the various sufficient conditions for a real entire function, φ(x), to belong to the Laguerre-Pólya class (Definition 1.1), expressed in terms of Laguerre-type inequalities, do not require the a priori assumptions about the order and type of φ(x). The proof of the main theorem (Theorem 2.3) involving the generalized real Laguerre inequalities, is based on a beautiful geometric result, the Borel-Carathédodory Inequality (Theorem 2.1), and on a deep...

The generalized Toeplitz operators on the Fock space F α 2

Chunxu Xu, Tao Yu (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let μ be a positive Borel measure on the complex plane n and let j = ( j 1 , , j n ) with j i . We study the generalized Toeplitz operators T μ ( j ) on the Fock space F α 2 . We prove that T μ ( j ) is bounded (or compact) on F α 2 if and only if μ is a Fock-Carleson measure (or vanishing Fock-Carleson measure). Furthermore, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for T μ ( j ) to be in the Schatten p -class for 1 p < .

The generalized weighted probability measure on the symmetric group and the asymptotic behavior of the cycles

Ashkan Nikeghbali, Dirk Zeindler (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

The goal of this paper is to analyse the asymptotic behaviour of the cycle process and the total number of cycles of weighted and generalized weighted random permutations which are relevant models in physics and which extend the Ewens measure. We combine tools from combinatorics and complex analysis (e.g. singularity analysis of generating functions) to prove that under some analytic conditions (on relevant generating functions) the cycle process converges to a vector of independent Poisson variables...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 366