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L’obstruction d’Euler locale d’une application

Nivaldo de Góes Grulha Júnior (2008)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

L’objectif dans ce travail est de présenter une généralisation pour l’obstruction d’Euler locale d’une fonction holomorphe singulière à l’origine dans le cas d’une application holomorphe f : ( V , 0 ) ( k , 0 ) , où ( V , 0 ) est un germe de variété analytique complexe, équidimensionnel de dimension n k . Le résultat principal (Théorème 6.1) exprime l’obstruction d’Euler locale, définie pour un k -repère par Brasselet, Seade, Suwa, en fonction de l’obstruction d’Euler relative à f .

Local volumes of Cartier divisors over normal algebraic varieties

Mihai Fulger (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we study a notion of local volume for Cartier divisors on arbitrary blow-ups of normal complex algebraic varieties of dimension greater than one, with a distinguished point. We apply this to study an invariant for normal isolated singularities, generalizing a volume defined by J. Wahl for surfaces. We also compare this generalization to a different one arising in recent work of T. de Fernex, S. Boucksom, and C. Favre.

Łojasiewicz Exponent of Overdetermined Mappings

Stanisław Spodzieja, Anna Szlachcińska (2013)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

A mapping F : m is called overdetermined if m > n. We prove that the calculations of both the local and global Łojasiewicz exponent of a real overdetermined polynomial mapping F : m can be reduced to the case m = n.

Mathematical framework for current density imaging due to discharge of electro-muscular disruption devices

Jeehyun Lee, Jin Keun Seo, Eung Je Woo (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Electro-muscular disruption (EMD) devices such as TASER M26 and X26 have been used as a less-than-lethal weapon. Such EMD devices shoot a pair of darts toward an intended target to generate an incapacitating electrical shock. In the use of the EMD device, there have been controversial questions about its safety and effectiveness. To address these questions, we need to investigate the distribution of the current density J inside the target produced by the EMD device. One approach is to develop a computational...

Moduli of Germs of Legendrian Curves

António Araújo, Orlando Neto (2009)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We construct the generic component of the moduli space of the germs of Legendrian curves with generic plane projection topologically equivalent to a curve y n = x m .

Note on the degree of Cº-sufficiency of plane curves.

Antonio F. Costa (1989)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let f be a germ of plane curve, we define the δ-degree of sufficiency of f to be the smallest integer r such that for anuy germ g such that j(r) f = j(r) g then there is a set of disjoint annuli in S3 whose boundaries consist of a component of the link of f and a component of the link of g. We establish a formula for the δ-degree of sufficiency in terms of link invariants of plane curves singularities and, as a consequence of this formula, we obtain that the δ-degree of sufficiency is equal to the...

On gradient at infinity of semialgebraic functions

Didier D'Acunto, Vincent Grandjean (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let f: ℝⁿ → ℝ be a C² semialgebraic function and let c be an asymptotic critical value of f. We prove that there exists a smallest rational number ϱ c 1 such that |x|·|∇f| and | f ( x ) - c | ϱ c are separated at infinity. If c is a regular value and ϱ c < 1 , then f is a locally trivial fibration over c, and the trivialisation is realised by the flow of the gradient field of f.

On Halphen’s Theorem and some generalizations

Alcides Lins Neto (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let M n be a germ at 0 m of an irreducible analytic set of dimension n , where n 2 and 0 is a singular point of M . We study the question: when does there exist a germ of holomorphic map φ : ( n , 0 ) ( M , 0 ) such that φ - 1 ( 0 ) = { 0 } ? We prove essentialy three results. In Theorem 1 we consider the case where M is a quasi-homogeneous complete intersection of k polynomials F = ( F 1 , ... , F k ) , that is there exists a linear holomorphic vector field X on m , with eigenvalues λ 1 , ... , λ m + such that X ( F T ) = U · F T , where U is a k × k matrix with entries in 𝒪 m . We prove that if there exists...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 195