Displaying 421 – 440 of 17465

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A Littlewood-Paley type inequality with applications to the elliptic Dirichlet problem

Caroline Sweezy (2007)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let L be a strictly elliptic second order operator on a bounded domain Ω ⊂ ℝⁿ. Let u be a solution to L u = d i v f in Ω, u = 0 on ∂Ω. Sufficient conditions on two measures, μ and ν defined on Ω, are established which imply that the L q ( Ω , d μ ) norm of |∇u| is dominated by the L p ( Ω , d v ) norms of d i v f and | f | . If we replace |∇u| by a local Hölder norm of u, the conditions on μ and ν can be significantly weaker.

A local projection stabilization finite element method with nonlinear crosswind diffusion for convection-diffusion-reaction equations

Gabriel R. Barrenechea, Volker John, Petr Knobloch (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

An extension of the local projection stabilization (LPS) finite element method for convection-diffusion-reaction equations is presented and analyzed, both in the steady-state and the transient setting. In addition to the standard LPS method, a nonlinear crosswind diffusion term is introduced that accounts for the reduction of spurious oscillations. The existence of a solution can be proved and, depending on the choice of the stabilization parameter, also its uniqueness. Error estimates are derived...

A localized orthogonal decomposition method for semi-linear elliptic problems

Patrick Henning, Axel Målqvist, Daniel Peterseim (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this paper we propose and analyze a localized orthogonal decomposition (LOD) method for solving semi-linear elliptic problems with heterogeneous and highly variable coefficient functions. This Galerkin-type method is based on a generalized finite element basis that spans a low dimensional multiscale space. The basis is assembled by performing localized linear fine-scale computations on small patches that have a diameter of order H | log (H) | where H is the coarse mesh size. Without any assumptions...

A look on some results about Camassa–Holm type equations

Igor Leite Freire (2021)

Communications in Mathematics

We present an overview of some contributions of the author regarding Camassa--Holm type equations. We show that an equation unifying both Camassa--Holm and Novikov equations can be derived using the invariance under certain suitable scaling, conservation of the Sobolev norm and existence of peakon solutions. Qualitative analysis of the two-peakon dynamics is given.

A lower bound for the principal eigenvalue of the Stokes operator in a random domain

V. V. Yurinsky (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

This article is dedicated to localization of the principal eigenvalue (PE) of the Stokes operator acting on solenoidal vector fields that vanish outside a large random domain modeling the pore space in a cubic block of porous material with disordered micro-structure. Its main result is an asymptotically deterministic lower bound for the PE of the sum of a low compressibility approximation to the Stokes operator and a small scaled random potential term, which is applied to produce a similar bound...

Currently displaying 421 – 440 of 17465