Displaying 521 – 540 of 1688

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Solutions of a nonhyperbolic pair of balance laws

Michael Sever (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We describe a constructive algorithm for obtaining smooth solutions of a nonlinear, nonhyperbolic pair of balance laws modeling incompressible two-phase flow in one space dimension and time. Solutions are found as stationary solutions of a related hyperbolic system, based on the introduction of an artificial time variable. As may be expected for such nonhyperbolic systems, in general the solutions obtained do not satisfy both components of the given initial data. This deficiency may be overcome,...

Solutions of Analytical Systems of Partial Differential Equations

Trenčevski, K. (1995)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

In this paper are examined some classes of linear and non-linear analytical systems of partial differential equations. Compatibility conditions are found and if they are satisfied, the solutions are given as functional series in a neighborhood of a given point (x = 0).

Solutions of Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equations in Terms of H-functions

Boyadjiev, Lyubomir, Al-Saqabi, Bader (2012)

Mathematica Balkanica New Series

MSC 2010: 35R11, 42A38, 26A33, 33E12The method of integral transforms based on joint application of a fractional generalization of the Fourier transform and the classical Laplace transform is utilized for solving Cauchy-type problems for the time-space fractional diffusion-wave equations expressed in terms of the Caputo time-fractional derivative and the Weyl space-fractional operator. The solutions obtained are in integral form whose kernels are Green functions expressed in terms of the Fox H-functions....

Currently displaying 521 – 540 of 1688