Displaying 361 – 380 of 445

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Spatial Dynamics of Contact-Activated Fibrin Clot Formation in vitro and in silico in Haemophilia B: Effects of Severity and Ahemphil B Treatment

A. A. Tokarev, Yu. V. Krasotkina, M. V. Ovanesov, M. A. Panteleev, M. A. Azhigirova, V. A. Volpert, F. I. Ataullakhanov, A. A. Butilin (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Spatial dynamics of fibrin clot formation in non-stirred system activated by glass surface was studied as a function of FIX activity. Haemophilia B plasma was obtained from untreated patients with different levels of FIX deficiency and from severe haemophilia B patient treated with FIX concentrate (Ahemphil B) during its clearance with half-life t1/2=12 hours. As reported previously (Ataullakhanov et al. Biochim Biophys Acta 1998; 1425: 453-468), clot growth in space showed two distinct phases:...

Spatial patterns for reaction-diffusion systems with conditions described by inclusions

Jan Eisner, Milan Kučera (1997)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider a reaction-diffusion system of the activator-inhibitor type with boundary conditions given by inclusions. We show that there exists a bifurcation point at which stationary but spatially nonconstant solutions (spatial patterns) bifurcate from the branch of trivial solutions. This bifurcation point lies in the domain of stability of the trivial solution to the same system with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, where a bifurcation of this classical problem is excluded.

Spatially-dependent and nonlinear fluid transport: coupling framework

Jürgen Geiser (2012)

Open Mathematics

We introduce a solver method for spatially dependent and nonlinear fluid transport. The motivation is from transport processes in porous media (e.g., waste disposal and chemical deposition processes). We analyze the coupled transport-reaction equation with mobile and immobile areas. The main idea is to apply transformation methods to spatial and nonlinear terms to obtain linear or nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Such differential equations can be simply solved with Laplace transformation...

Speed-up of reaction-diffusion fronts by a line of fast diffusion

Henri Berestycki, Anne-Charline Coulon, Jean-Michel Roquejoffre, Luca Rossi (2013/2014)

Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications

In these notes, we discuss a new model, proposed by H. Berestycki, J.-M. Roquejoffre and L. Rossi, to describe biological invasions in the plane when a strong diffusion takes place on a line. This model seems relevant to account for the effects of roads on the spreading of invasive species. In what follows, the diffusion on the line will either be modelled by the Laplacian operator, or the fractional Laplacian of order less than 1. Of interest to us is the asymptotic speed of spreading in the direction...

Spread Pattern Formation of H5N1-Avian Influenza and its Implications for Control Strategies

R. Liu, V. R. S. K. Duvvuri, J. Wu (2008)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Mechanisms contributing to the spread of avian influenza seem to be well identified, but how their interplay led to the current worldwide spread pattern of H5N1 influenza is still unknown due to the lack of effective global surveillance and relevant data. Here we develop some deterministic models based on the transmission cycle and modes of H5N1 and focusing on the interaction among poultry, wild birds and environment. Some of the model parameters are obtained from existing literatures, and others...

Currently displaying 361 – 380 of 445