Displaying 201 – 220 of 313

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Spectral asymptotics for manifolds with cylindrical ends

Tanya Christiansen, Maciej Zworski (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The spectrum of the Laplacian on manifolds with cylindrical ends consists of continuous spectrum of locally finite multiplicity and embedded eigenvalues. We prove a Weyl-type asymptotic formula for the sum of the number of embedded eigenvalues and the scattering phase. In particular, we obtain the optimal upper bound on the number of embedded eigenvalues less than or equal to r 2 , 𝒪 ( r n ) , where n is the dimension of the manifold.

Spectral projections for the twisted Laplacian

Herbert Koch, Fulvio Ricci (2007)

Studia Mathematica

Let n ≥ 1, d = 2n, and let (x,y) ∈ ℝⁿ × ℝⁿ be a generic point in ℝ²ⁿ. The twisted Laplacian L = - 1 / 2 j = 1 n [ ( x j + i y j ) ² + ( y j - i x j ) ² ] has the spectrum n + 2k = λ²: k a nonnegative integer. Let P λ be the spectral projection onto the (infinite-dimensional) eigenspace. We find the optimal exponent ϱ(p) in the estimate | | P λ u | | L p ( d ) λ ϱ ( p ) | | u | | L ² ( d ) for all p ∈ [2,∞], improving previous partial results by Ratnakumar, Rawat and Thangavelu, and by Stempak and Zienkiewicz. The expression for ϱ(p) is ϱ(p) = 1/p -1/2 if 2 ≤ p ≤ 2(d+1)/(d-1), ϱ(p) = (d-2)/2 - d/p if 2(d+1)/(d-1)...

Spectral statistics for random Schrödinger operators in the localized regime

François Germinet, Frédéric Klopp (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study various statistics related to the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of random Hamiltonians in the localized regime. Consider a random Hamiltonian at an energy E in the localized phase. Assume the density of states function is not too flat near E . Restrict it to some large cube Λ . Consider now I Λ , a small energy interval centered at E that asymptotically contains infintely many eigenvalues when the volume of the cube Λ grows to infinity. We prove that, with probability one in the large volume...

Spectral theta series of operators with periodic bicharacteristic flow

Jens Marklof (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The theta series ϑ ( z ) = exp ( 2 π i n 2 z ) is a classical example of a modular form. In this article we argue that the trace ϑ P ( z ) = Tr exp ( 2 π i P 2 z ) , where P is a self-adjoint elliptic pseudo-differential operator of order 1 with periodic bicharacteristic flow, may be viewed as a natural generalization. In particular, we establish approximate functional relations under the action of the modular group. This allows a detailed analysis of the asymptotics of ϑ P ( z ) near the real axis, and the proof of logarithm laws and limit theorems for its value...

Spectrum of the Laplace operator and periodic geodesics: thirty years after

Yves Colin de Verdière (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

What is called the “Semi-classical trace formula” is a formula expressing the smoothed density of states of the Laplace operator on a compact Riemannian manifold in terms of the periodic geodesics. Mathematical derivation of such formulas were provided in the seventies by several authors. The main goal of this paper is to state the formula and to give a self-contained proof independent of the difficult use of the global calculus of Fourier Integral Operators. This proof is close in the spirit of...

Stabilisation d’une poutre. Étude du taux optimal de décroissance de l’énergie élastique

Francis Conrad, Fatima-Zahra Saouri (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

On se propose d’étudier la stabilité d’une poutre flexible homogène, encastrée à une extrémité. À l’autre extrémité est attachée une masse ponctuelle où on applique un moment proportionnel à la vitesse de déplacement angulaire. On montre par une analyse spectrale que le taux optimal de décroissance de l’énergie est déterminé par l’abscisse spectrale du générateur infinitésimal du semi-groupe associé au problème.

Stabilisation d'une poutre. Étude du taux optimal de décroissance de l'énergie élastique

Francis Conrad, Fatima-Zahra Saouri (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study the stability of a flexible beam clamped at one end. A mass is attached at the other end, where a control moment is applied. The boundary control is proportional to the angular velocity at the end. By spectral analysis, we prove that the optimal decay rate of the energy is given by the spectrum of the generator of the semigroup associated to the system.

Strong boundary values : independence of the defining function and spaces of test functions

Jean-Pierre Rosay, Edgar Lee Stout (2002)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

The notion of “strong boundary values” was introduced by the authors in the local theory of hyperfunction boundary values (boundary values of functions with unrestricted growth, not necessarily solutions of a PDE). In this paper two points are clarified, at least in the global setting (compact boundaries): independence with respect to the defining function that defines the boundary, and the spaces of test functions to be used. The proofs rely crucially on simple results in spectral asymptotics.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 313