Displaying 81 – 100 of 363

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Inverse scattering via nonlinear integral equations method for a sound-soft crack with phaseless data

Peng Gao, Heping Dong, Fuming Ma (2018)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider the inverse scattering of time-harmonic plane waves to reconstruct the shape of a sound-soft crack from a knowledge of the given incident field and the phaseless data, and we check the invariance of far field data with respect to translation of the crack. We present a numerical method that is based on a system of nonlinear and ill-posed integral equations, and our scheme is easy and simple to implement. The numerical implementation is described and numerical examples are presented to...

Local energy decay for several evolution equations on asymptotically euclidean manifolds

Jean-François Bony, Dietrich Häfner (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let  P be a long range metric perturbation of the Euclidean Laplacian on  d , d 2 . We prove local energy decay for the solutions of the wave, Klein-Gordon and Schrödinger equations associated to  P . The problem is decomposed in a low and high frequency analysis. For the high energy part, we assume a non trapping condition. For low (resp. high) frequencies we obtain a general result about the local energy decay for the group e i t f ( P ) where f has a suitable development at zero (resp. infinity).

Long range scattering and modified wave operators for Hartree equations

Jean Ginibre, Giorgio Velo (1999)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

We study the theory of scattering for the Hartree equation with long range potentials. We prove the existence of modified wave operators with no size restriction on the data and we determine the asymptotic behaviour in time of solutions in the range of the wave operators.

Mathematical modeling of time-harmonic aeroacoustics with a generalized impedance boundary condition

Eric Luneville, Jean-Francois Mercier (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We study the time-harmonic acoustic scattering in a duct in presence of a flow and of a discontinuous impedance boundary condition. Unlike a continuous impedance, a discontinuous one leads to still open modeling questions, as in particular the singularity of the solution at the abrupt transition and the choice of the right unknown to formulate the scattering problem. To address these questions we propose a mathematical approach based on variational formulations set in weighted Sobolev spaces. Considering...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 363