Displaying 1321 – 1340 of 4754

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Entropic approximation in kinetic theory

Jacques Schneider (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Approximation theory in the context of probability density function turns out to go beyond the classical idea of orthogonal projection. Special tools have to be designed so as to respect the nonnegativity of the approximate function. We develop here and justify from the theoretical point of view an approximation procedure introduced by Levermore [Levermore, J. Stat. Phys.83 (1996) 1021–1065] and based on an entropy minimization principle under moment constraints. We prove in particular...

Entropy and complexity of a path in sub-riemannian geometry

Frédéric Jean (2003)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We characterize the geometry of a path in a sub-riemannian manifold using two metric invariants, the entropy and the complexity. The entropy of a subset A of a metric space is the minimum number of balls of a given radius ε needed to cover A . It allows one to compute the Hausdorff dimension in some cases and to bound it from above in general. We define the complexity of a path in a sub-riemannian manifold as the infimum of the lengths of all trajectories contained in an ε -neighborhood of the path,...

Entropy and complexity of a path in sub-Riemannian geometry

Frédéric Jean (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We characterize the geometry of a path in a sub-Riemannian manifold using two metric invariants, the entropy and the complexity. The entropy of a subset A of a metric space is the minimum number of balls of a given radius ε needed to cover A. It allows one to compute the Hausdorff dimension in some cases and to bound it from above in general. We define the complexity of a path in a sub-Riemannian manifold as the infimum of the lengths of all trajectories contained in an ε-neighborhood of the path,...

Entropy and growth of expanding periodic orbits for one-dimensional maps

A. Katok, A. Mezhirov (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let f be a continuous map of the circle S 1 or the interval I into itself, piecewise C 1 , piecewise monotone with finitely many intervals of monotonicity and having positive entropy h. For any ε > 0 we prove the existence of at least e ( h - ε ) n k periodic points of period n k with large derivative along the period, | ( f n k ) ' | > e ( h - ε ) n k for some subsequence n k of natural numbers. For a strictly monotone map f without critical points we show the existence of at least ( 1 - ε ) e h n such points.

Entropy dimension and variational principle

Young-Ho Ahn, Dou Dou, Kyewon Koh Park (2010)

Studia Mathematica

Recently the notions of entropy dimension for topological and measurable dynamical systems were introduced in order to study the complexity of zero entropy systems. We exhibit a class of strictly ergodic models whose topological entropy dimensions range from zero to one and whose measure-theoretic entropy dimensions are identically zero. Hence entropy dimension does not obey the variational principle.

Entropy of distal groups, pseudogroups, foliations and laminations

Andrzej Biś, Paweł Walczak (2011)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

A distality property for pseudogroups and foliations is defined. Distal foliated bundles satisfying some growth conditions are shown to have zero geometric entropy in the sense of É. Ghys, R. Langevin and P. Walczak [Acta Math. 160 (1988)].

Entropy of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian in dimension 2

Gabriel Rivière (2010)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles

We study asymptotic properties of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on compact Riemannian surfaces of Anosov type (for instance negatively curved surfaces). More precisely, we give an answer to a question of Anantharaman and Nonnenmacher [4] by proving that the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of a semiclassical measure μ for the geodesic flow g t is bounded from below by half of the Ruelle upper bound. (This text has been written for the proceedings of the 37 èmes Journées EDP (Port d’Albret-June, 7-11 2010))

Entropy of probability kernels from the backward tail boundary

Tim Austin (2015)

Studia Mathematica

A number of recent works have sought to generalize the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of probability-preserving transformations to the setting of Markov operators acting on the integrable functions on a probability space (X,μ). These works have culminated in a proof by Downarowicz and Frej that various competing definitions all coincide, and that the resulting quantity is uniquely characterized by certain abstract properties. On the other hand, Makarov has shown that this 'operator...

Entropy of scalar reaction-diffusion equations

Siniša Slijepčević (2014)

Mathematica Bohemica

We consider scalar reaction-diffusion equations on bounded and extended domains, both with the autonomous and time-periodic nonlinear term. We discuss the meaning and implications of the ergodic Poincaré-Bendixson theorem to dynamics. In particular, we show that in the extended autonomous case, the space-time topological entropy is zero. Furthermore, we characterize in the extended nonautonomous case the space-time topological and metric entropies as entropies of a pair of commuting planar homeomorphisms....

Currently displaying 1321 – 1340 of 4754