Displaying 101 – 120 of 191

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Noncommutative extensions of the Fourier transform and its logarithm

Romuald Lenczewski (2002)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce noncommutative extensions of the Fourier transform of probability measures and its logarithm to the algebra (S) of complex-valued functions on the free semigroup S = FS(z,w) on two generators. First, to given probability measures μ, ν with all moments finite, we associate states μ̂, ν̂ on the unital free *-bialgebra (ℬ,ε,Δ) on two self-adjoint generators X,X’ and a projection P. Then we introduce and study cumulants which are additive under the convolution μ̂* ν̂ = μ̂ ⊗ ν̂ ∘ Δ when...

Nonlocal Poincaré inequalities on Lie groups with polynomial volume growth and Riemannian manifolds

Emmanuel Russ, Yannick Sire (2011)

Studia Mathematica

Let G be a real connected Lie group with polynomial volume growth endowed with its Haar measuredx. Given a C² positive bounded integrable function M on G, we give a sufficient condition for an L² Poincaré inequality with respect to the measure M(x)dx to hold on G. We then establish a nonlocal Poincaré inequality on G with respect to M(x)dx. We also give analogous Poincaré inequalities on Riemannian manifolds and deal with the case of Hardy inequalities.

On Beurling measure algebras

Ross Stokke (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show how the measure theory of regular compacted-Borel measures defined on the δ -ring of compacted-Borel subsets of a weighted locally compact group ( G , ω ) provides a compatible framework for defining the corresponding Beurling measure algebra ( G , ω ) , thus filling a gap in the literature.

On character amenable Banach algebras

Z. Hu, M. Sangani Monfared, T. Traynor (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We obtain characterizations of left character amenable Banach algebras in terms of the existence of left ϕ-approximate diagonals and left ϕ-virtual diagonals. We introduce the left character amenability constant and find this constant for some Banach algebras. For all locally compact groups G, we show that the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra B(G) is C-character amenable with C < 2 if and only if G is compact. We prove that if A is a character amenable, reflexive, commutative Banach algebra, then A...

On derivations and crossed homomorphisms

Viktor Losert (2010)

Banach Center Publications

We discuss some results about derivations and crossed homomorphisms arising in the context of locally compact groups and their group algebras, in particular, L¹(G), the von Neumann algebra VN(G) and actions of G on related algebras. We answer a question of Dales, Ghahramani, Grønbæk, showing that L¹(G) is always permanently weakly amenable. Then we show that for some classes of groups (e.g. IN-groups) the homology of L¹(G) with coefficients in VN(G) is trivial. But this is no longer true, in general,...

On left ϕ -biflat Banach algebras

Amir Sahami, Mehdi Rostami, Abdolrasoul Pourabbas (2020)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study the notion of left ϕ -biflatness for Segal algebras and semigroup algebras. We show that the Segal algebra S ( G ) is left ϕ -biflat if and only if G is amenable. Also we characterize left ϕ -biflatness of semigroup algebra l 1 ( S ) in terms of biflatness, when S is a Clifford semigroup.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 191